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Geloftevolk Republikeine Germany


South African Citizens have become Victims of War

There is no time to beat about the bush any longer: Criminals have declared war on ordinary South African Citizens. South Africa has officially been declared the country with the highest murder rate in the world. Statistics tell the grim tale that more South Africa farmers have been killed in farm attacks already that the total death toll during the Anglo-Boer War. Respected analysts agree that one in five South African women will be raped during her lifetime.

It has become virtually impossible to open a newspaper, to listen to or watch the news on radio or television without some vicious home attack, robbery, high-jacking or murder having taken place somewhere in the country. Gone are the days when criminals broke into a house or targeted a farm with the sole intention to steal or rob. The looting seems to have taken second place to the lust to inflict maximum pain, maim, rape, and murder in the most horrific ways possible.

The agony also does not end with the act itself. Hardly any attention is paid by the media to the life-long implications of the attack – families suffering untold hardships because the breadwinner has been mowed down in the prime of his life, or has been reduced to a paraplegic or quadriplegic; wives and daughters suffering lifelong mental and emotional anguish as a result of vicious rapes – often gang-rapes; years of rehabilitation before victims can regain a smattering of the quality of life they knew before the attack – the list is frightening, to say the least.

   Would you be able to defend yourself and your loved ones if someone were to physically attack you? It's a question most of us don't want to consider, but violence is, unfortunately, a fact of life. Thankfully, regardless of strength, size, or previous training, anyone can learn several effective self-defense techniques. Here's how to prepare for and stay safe in common real-world violent situations.

Prevention Is the Best Self-Defense

First, remember that prevention is the best self-defense. Attackers, whatever their objectives, are looking for unsuspecting, vulnerable targets. So be sure to follow general safety tips like being aware of your surroundings, only walking and parking in well-lit areas, keeping your keys in hand as you approach your door or car, varying your route and times of travel, and other personal security precautions.

Apart from avoiding confrontation, if you can defuse a situation (talk someone down from physically assaulting you) or get away—by handing over your wallet/purse or whatever they want, do that. Hand over your money rather than fight. Nothing you own is worth more than your life or health.

If violence is unavoidable, however, to really defend yourself, you'll want to know ahead of time how to fight back effectively—it's possible even against someone bigger or stronger than you. Here are some basic self-defense techniques that can keep you safe:

Get Loud and Push Back

As soon as the attacker touches you or it's clear that escape isn't possible, shout loudly ("BACK OFF!") and push back at him or her (for simplicity's sake we're going to use "him" for the rest of the article, although your opponent could be female). This does two things: it signals for help and it lets the attacker know you're not an easy target. The video at left from Rob Redenbach, a former trainer of Nelson Mandela's bodyguards, shows why this is the first thing you need to do. It may not dissuade all attackers, but getting loud will warn off those that were looking for easy prey.

The Most Effective Body Parts to Hit

Basic Self-Defense Moves Anyone Can Do (and Everyone Should Know)

When you're in a confrontation, you only have a few seconds and a few moves to try before the fight may be decided. Before an attacker has gained full control of you, you must do everything you can—conserving as much energy as possible—to inflict injury so you can get away. (This is no time to be civil. In a physical confrontation that calls for self-defense, it's hurt or be hurt.) So aim for the parts of the body where you can do the most damage easily: the eyes, nose, ears, neck, groin, knee, and legs.

Su Ericksen, who writes the very helpful Self-Defense for Women website, offers techniques for striking these pressure points so you can defend yourself and get to safety. She writes:

Depending on the position of the attacker and how close he is will determine where you will strike and with what part of your body you will employ. Do not step in closer, say, to strike his nose with your hand, when you can reach his knee with a kick.

When striking a target on the upper half of the body you will use your hand. Effective strikes can be made with the outer edge of your hand in a knife hand position, a palm strike or knuckle blow for softer targets or a tightly curled fist.

Here are some photos Su offers on attacking these highly sensitive pressure points (you can view others for additional pressure points on her website):

Basic Self-Defense Moves Anyone Can Do (and Everyone Should Know)

Eyes: Gouging, poking, or scratching the attacker's eyes with your fingers or knuckles would be effective, as you can imagine. Besides causing a lot of pain, this should also make your escape easier by at least temporarily interfering with his vision.

Basic Self-Defense Moves Anyone Can Do (and Everyone Should Know)

Nose: If the attacker is close in front of you, use the heel of your palm to strike up under his nose; throw the whole weight of your body into the move to cause the most pain and force him to loosen his grip on you. If he's behind you, you can strike his nose (from the side or front) with your elbow. Either way, aim for the nasal bones.

Basic Self-Defense Moves Anyone Can Do (and Everyone Should Know)

Neck: The side of the neck is a bigger target, where both the carotid artery and jugular vein are located. You could possibly temporarily stun your attacker with a knife hand strike (all fingers held straight and tightly together, with thumb tucked and slightly bent at the knuckle) at the side of the neck. (For even more injury, you could thrust your elbow into your assailant's throat while pitching the weight of your body forward. See the Target Focus Training video below.)

Basic Self-Defense Moves Anyone Can Do (and Everyone Should Know)

Knee: Su says the knee is an ideal self-defense target, vulnerable from every angle and easily kicked without risk of your foot being grabbed. Kick the side of the knee to cause injury or partially incapacitate your attacker. Kicking the front of the knee may cause more injury but is less likely to result in imbalance.

How to Maximize Damage

Use your elbows, knees, and head. Those are the parts of the body that are most sensitive when hit. Now here are the parts of the body used most effectively for inflicting damage: your elbows, knees, and head (they're your body's bony built-in weapons). This video from Elite Defense Systems in IL explains how to defend yourself against three most common attacks by using these key body parts.

Use everyday objects. Everyday objects you carry around with you or things in your environment can also be used to your advantage as weapons. Hold a key or pen between your middle and ring finger while you're walking home in the dark for more assurance. Outdoors, you can toss some dirt or sand into your attacker's eyes. Women are often told to spray perfume or hairspray into an assailant's eyes. The point is, use what ever you can to make your defense stronger (for more inspiration, watch some Jackie Chan movies).

Leverage your weight. No matter your size, weight, or strength in relation to your opponent, you can defend yourself by strategically using your body and the simple law of physics. This is the principle behind martial arts systems like Jujitsu and other self-defense programs where a smaller person is able to defeat a larger one.

Tim Larkin teaches in his Target Focus Training self-defense system that striking is not about punching or kicking, it's about throwing your body weight strategically at someone. You don't want to be standing there trading punches or kicks with an attacker; in a violent situation, it's critical to injure him using efficient, targeted moves. Basically, target those pressure points mentioned above, but leverage your weight to cause the most damage. (Note: The video at left is a bit long, though all of it is insightful; if you want to skip to the demonstration part showing how to use your body weight in this "point of injury" technique, scrub to about the 4-minute mark. Also note that this technique, used by law enforcement agencies, can seriously injure the attacker.)

Moves for Getting Out of or Defending Against Common Holds or Attacks

Wrist Hold: Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is another school of self-defense, one that offers modified Jujitsu techniques that normal (or even weak) people can carry out. This video from Gracie Academy shows what to do when an attacker has grabbed your wrist. Instead of pulling back to try to get out of the hold, squat down into a strong stance, then lean forward and bend your elbow towards him all the way towards his forearm until he can no longer hold onto your wrist.

Front and Back Choke Holds: Similarly, this video from Ford Models suggests bending your elbow in to get out of the wrist hold, but then pushing upwards to break free. The video also offers techniques to get out of a front choke hold and a back choke hold: Swing one arm across to break the attacker's hold then use your other arm's elbow or hand in a knife strike position to hit the attacker. 

Bear Hug: Krav Maga is the official hand-to-hand self-defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces, with techniques to defend against realistic grabs and holds. This video shows a Krav Maga defense for when someone holds you from behind: Drop your weight and try to hit his head with your elbows or stomp his feet with your feet. If that doesn't work, pull his fingers back to force him to release you, rotate out of his hold, and attack him with your knees/kicks. (Pulling fingers is also an effective move in a choke hold in some cases.)

Mount Position: If the attacker has you pinned on the floor, you can pivot to be on top with this Gracie Jiu-Jitsu technique. Hook onto his wrist with one hand and use your other hand to grab behind his elbow, trapping his arm to your chest. Then use your foot to trap his foot and leg, lift your hips and turn over onto your knees to get on top.

Sexual Assault: In my interview with Rener Gracie, whose grandfather established the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu method 90 years ago, he told me there are four phases to nearly all sexual attacks on women: 1) Identify an unsuspecting target, 2) Subdue the target, 3) Exhaust the target, and 4) Execute the sexual assault. We want to fight with all our might and the moves we have above in the second phase. In the third phase, however, right before an assailant executes his sexual attack, all he wants to do is exhaust the victim and gain complete control, so fighting back actually may backfire at that point, wasting energy. Gracie's Women Empowered training program teaches women to recognize when they've entered that phase where they are truly trapped and are no longer in the defensive movements phase—and to feign giving in. Pretend to be compliant (kind of like playing dead for a bear). In those split moments, the predator will think you have given up and will loosen his grip, giving you a chance get away.


These are just a sampling of the kinds of self-defense moves and techniques that might protect you one day or at least help you feel safer and more confident. There's no replacement, however, for taking a self-defense class and practicing the moves in real life.

To find a good self-defense program, the National Coalition Against Sexual Assault offers these Guidelines for Choosing a Self-Defense Course.


9 Myths About Self-Protection

To better protect yourself from dangerous people, you need to forget these 9 dangerous myths


Your biggest problem as a woman is not that you may be smaller or weaker than a typical sociopathic criminal. Your biggest obstacle is that you assume a set of potentially life-threatening beliefs about what to do in dangerous situations.

Myth #1 You should reason with your attacker.
You've probably never pulled out a knife and demanded someone's watch. That's a good thing, of course, but it illustrates a vital point: Someone who would do such a thing doesn't think like you. Deep down, you probably believe there's a way to resolve a problem without anyone getting hurt. Attackers aren't playing by the same societal rules you are, so you can't react as if they are. All you can ever really do is level the playing field.

Myth #2 If you're attacked, scream for help.
You don't have time to wait for a hero. During a truly violent encounter, you have about five seconds to act, and the safest self-defense technique to take in a violent encounter is to cause an injury. Mistakes usually come from some hesitation: pausing to see how things are going, lacking the will to really kick a man, or jumping around in a fighting stance. These are opportunities for him to recover and hurt you. The reverse is also true—if your attacker hesitates or makes a mistake, it gives you a critical moment that you must use to

Myth #3 You need to cause pain.
In order to be 100 percent effective, we have to discard the notion of pain as a useful tool in violence. You don't want to "hurt" him; you need to injure him. Anything you do in a violent, life-threatening situation that does not cause an injury is worthless to you.

Myth #4 Being fit can save your life.
No matter how fit or strong you are, the best way to hone your self-protection skills is to focus on targeting key points of the body. After that, improving your fitness level can increase the force you deliver to the targets.

Myth #5 You need technical self-defense skills.
Technique without injury is only a cool trick, and injury, regardless of how it occurred (with technique or by accident), will always be more effective. It's not important how the injury happens, only that it happens. His ribs don't know if they were broken by a boot, a stick, or a curb; they just know they're broken. All you need is force and a target.

Myth #6 Women who survive are fearless.
The first effect in any violent situation is emotion, and the most common one is fear. When a man steps in front of you holding a knife, your adrenaline starts pumping and your heart beats faster. These are reactions that can't be avoided—nor should they be. It's the fight-or-flight survival instinct that allows you to focus on beating your enemy or getting the hell out of there.

Many people fear they will freeze up or act irrationally. When you know how to respond, you'll still feel a certain amount of fear that you could be hurt, or that you're about to cause harm to another human being, but that will be tempered with confidence.

Myth #7 Focus on blocking his attacks.
Many self-protection classes teach you to react to an attacker's actions. This defensive thinking can make you hesitate ("What is he going to do to me?"), lose focus (waiting to get hurt makes most people freeze), and ultimately be one step behind the attacker. In a threatening situation, don't worry about what he's doing; make him worry about what you're doing.

Myth #8 Try to back away from your attacker.
In life-threatening conflict, if you're not injuring someone, you're getting injured. Backing up or attempting to counter his "technique" with another technique (as is typically taught in self-defense classes) only gets you in more trouble: Your body is a lot better at going forward than it is at going backward; for every two feet you move backward, he can move forward three feet.

Myth #9 Hit as often and as quickly as possible.
Punching and kicking are akin to slapping an attacker around. If you're in danger, you need to throw all your weight into a single target, or "strike." Imagine you're facing a giant predator and you have a big sack full of rocks. Throw a single rock and "ouch!" is the only reaction you're likely to get. But swing the entire sack at him, hitting him in the head, and he'll be out cold. That's the difference between punching and striking.


Safety Tips

  • Never walk while speaking on your cell phone.
    If you need to make a call, stop into a safe environment, put your back to a wall.
  • Don't walk on the street with headphones.
    You can't hear someone coming up behind you.
  • Always have your keys in your pocket as you approach your door.
    Don't be that girl that has to fish for her keys!
  • Carry some sort of "weapon" on your keychain.
    Whether it is a whistle, flashlight, personal alarm, it is ready to use!
  • If you choose to carry pepper spray practice how to use it.
    First using a weapon in the time of a crisis is not the time to learn.
  • Always open doors using your shoulder, look who is behind you.
    Never have your back to anyone!
  • Never stand in the back of the elevator trapping yourself.
    Stand near the buttons where you are in control.
  • Try to consolidate your bags into one big bag.
    Always keep your hands free to use.
  • Walk with one hand in your pocket.
    Bad guys don't know if you have weapon ready to use.
  • Pay Attention, make eye contact.
    If you let them know "I see you" you are telling them I can pick you out of a line-up.
  • Do not be afraid to use your VOICE.
    It is the best weapon you have!
  • If someone mugs you for your wallet, jewelry, bag:
    Always throw it passed them so they turn to get it and you can run the other way.
  • If someone wants to buy you a drink, keep it in the clear.
    White wine, clear cocktails, Corona’s are hard to drop drugs in undetected.

Defend your family within your legal rights

  • Consider forfeiting the quality of life you have toiled to achieve over many years, and leaving our beautiful country – thereby admitting defeat in the war against the criminal element of our society?
  • Place a sign on the front gate of your home, or in the window of your vehicle: “This house/car/caravan is protected by Psalm 23”?
  • Emulate South Africa’s big wingless bird by burying your head in the sand, and believing that it cannot happen to you or your loved ones?
  • Keep vicious watch-dogs?
  • Turn your house and property into a virtual jail in an attempt to keep criminals at bay?
  • Pay hard-earned money to one of South Africa’s around 9 000 security firms to protect you via panic buttons and armed response?
  • Belong to the local Neighbourhood Watch?

Effective Self Defense Techniques

When there is a street attack, you should remind the all martial arts moves you put in hours practicing under instruction.

The aggressive person and street robber will never follow set moves or patterns shown in self-defense instruction manuals or in martial arts. You need to know the tips on how to disable that threat immediately and then make good escape. I mentioned various techniques to use to fight any attacker, you must follow them.

Preferably, Run

You should not try to be a hero. The best method to stay alive is leave that situation. You should run away, if you see some sort of gap. You should take it and get clear the situation.

Distract your opponent

Shout as loud as you possibly can at your attacker and create a big scene. This may be enough to get them to step back. After that, you can easily escape from that situation.

Now, and only now, if you should not do that, then you can use these moves to stop your attacker it doesn’t matter how big they are;

1) Groin Attack: A groin attack cause pain to the groin area of an opponent. Kick as hard since you can, or if you are close up or grappling, grab it with all your hand, pull and twist. Forget fighting techniques rules! Go for the groin!

2) Vision gouge: This can be a ‘dirty’ trick. Yes, it is, but it works actually. Put your own thumbs in an attacker’s eyes. It will cause more pain in eyes and also blurred vision.

3) Punch On Throat : A punch in throat will have the identical effect as choking. It cause instant pain and struggle to breathe. Again, a self defense shock tactic to help you escape.

4) Punch On Neck: Similar to the above but on the side with the neck. A hard punch will disrupt the artery circulation and cause the attacker to faint, black out for a moment thus allowing enough time to run.

5) Cupped hands: Cup the hands and ‘clap’ his ears. This is the good trick that will damage his ear drums and instantaneously stop any attack. It is a very effective self-defense technique.

6) Nostrils: Perhaps it will sound like a funny someone to do but believe me, an attacker of any size might be pulled off another person or maybe yourself, or his head pulled back by the much smaller opponent just through pulling his nose up the face!

7) kick: You should kick on the thigh above the knee of an attacker’s approximately. You do not need to know the fancy moves from fighting techniques
and self defense classes. They won’t work in real life in case you can remember them all.

Escape Techniques

There are many other escape techniques that can help you to reach the point where the rapists can not do any physical violence with you.

1. Know that you are able to run
2. Run to escape your attacker
3. By screaming loudly in the ear of attacker
4. Look for ways to increase distance
5.By Attacking in the Testicles
6. By Controlling the Weapon

Best self-defense awareness and safety tips: Don’t get trapped!

I am going to outline some security and safety tips

for every individual for their personal protection and well-being. These tips, if emulated, will help you to protect from an attack. If you want to learn more then read on!

  • If you are in aggressive situation, firstly try to avoid fight. But you think that, you can be victim of an attacker then perform a direct counter-attack. It will be beneficial for you to stop your opponent.
  • You should hit them in the moment if they move to another position. You should protect your ribs.
  • Similarly, when an opponent tries for your body shot, immediately affect their head.
  • If you can’t break free, step into the punch or even throw.
  • When you find yourself on the defensive and you must back up.


What people do not seem to understand is that while the latter four responses have a place in your overall security strategy, they represent merely the first and second lines of defence, or reaction after the event; but not the ultimate answer to you and our family successfully preventing or surviving an attack, emerging as Victors instead of Victims – while staying within the confines of South African Law.

Is there any solution to this situation? 

The sad fact is that our Police Service is so stretched in respect of numbers, equipment, money, expertise, and sadly in many cases integrity of some members that they simply cannot meet the overwhelming demands the country’s crime rate is putting on them. 

It is up to US to ensure that we have the knowledge and savvy to in the very first place prevent an attack from taking place; and secondly to fend it off successfully if it does happen until the other security measures can kick in.

But HOW can we achieve this? 

Welcome to Fortis Pro-Active Defence Solutions 

We are widely recognised experts in crime prevention and fighting, tackling the problem at the 4 crucial levels necessary to become a Victor instead of a Victim of crime: 

  • Mindset: To create pro-active awareness and response capability through positive conditioning
  • Strategy: To have a comprehensive, realistic plan of prevention and action in place
  • Skills: To empower your whole family through professional training to respond correctly and purposefully to any attack (and you don’t have to be athletic at all to master the techniques)
  • Weaponry: We have developed a formidable array of non-lethal weaponry that can be handled by men, women and children alike to ward of attacks, even by whole gangs; and can be used within the confines of South African Law without any licensing requirement.

10 Safety Tips For Personal Protection

In this article I am going to outline some important safety tips for women for their personal protection. I wanted to let you know that Self Defense, Safety or Security products are just a part of protecting yourself. Here I will discuss some basic self defense tips that will make your life bit safer and less stressful. These are

mentioned below: 

10 safety tips

  • Develop a sense of awareness
  • Never Panic Or Hesitate
  • Avoid areas where lighting is bad
  • Carry a cell phone with you at all times
  • Don’t walk on the street with headphones
  • Carry self-defense weapons
  • Avoid shortcuts, stay near people
  • Choose to carry pepper spray
  • Use your loud voice
  • Secure your home with well-locked doors and windows

A Quick Guide On Powerful Self Defense Products

Self defense is an act of defending oneself against an assaulter caused by someone else. According to the law of court, one can claim, if they are accused of assault. If they decide to claim self defense, they must provide proof of provocation.

Self defense weapons are certainly not often used by an assaulter. These weapons are used by those who would like to protect themselves without seriously injuring an attacker.

In small cities, you will find possibilities of attacks. College campuses are especially targeted. Some college students do not think about carrying powerful self defense weapons to guard against attacks. This makes a college campus a prime place for an attacker to get a victim.

Luckily, most colleges and universities have security for the alert to keep campuses safe. However, some security officers may arrive after the attack has already taken place. It is much safer to get a person to take safety within their own hands by knowing self defense techniques and carrying self protection tools.

There are many self defense weapons an individual can use for their protection. The guns temporarily disable the attacker without doing serious harm to their body.

Here are some self defense products that you can use to escape from an assaulter. These are mentioned below:

  1.  Paper  Spray
  2. Alarms
  3. Flashlights
  4. Stun guns 
  5. N73 Mobile Type Stun Gun
  6. Electric Shaver Hair Trimmer Type Stun Gun
  7. Compact Type Stun Gun
  8. Expandable Type Stun Baton
  9. Aluminum LED Torch Type Stun Gun
  10. Stun Baton
  11. Hand Holder Metal Detector 
  12. Bullet Proof Vest
  13. Bullet Proof Jacket

Things a burglar wont tell you


  1. Of course I look familiar. I was here just last week cleaning your carpets, painting your shutters, or delivering your new refrigerator.
  2. Hey, thanks for letting me use the bathroom when I was working in your yard last week. While I was in there, I unlatched the back window to make my return a little easier.
  3. Love those flowers. That tells me you have taste… and taste means there are nice things inside. Those yard toys your kids leave out always make me wonder what type of gaming system they have.
  4. Yes, I really do look for newspapers piled up on the driveway. And I might leave a pizza flyer in your front door to see how long it takes you to remove it.
  5. If it snows while you’re out of town, get a neighbour to create car and foot tracks into the house. Virgin drifts in the driveway are a dead giveaway.
  6. If decorative glass is part of your front entrance, don’t let your alarm company install the control pad where I can see if it’s set. That makes it too easy.
  7. A good security company alarms the window over the sink. And the windows on the second floor, which often access the master bedroom-and your jewellery. It’s not a bad idea to put motion detectors up there too.
  8. It’s raining, you’re fumbling with your umbrella, and you forget to lock your door – understandable. But understand this: I don’t take a day off because of bad weather.
  9. I always knock first. If you answer, I’ll ask for directions somewhere or offer to clean your gutters.
  10. Do you really think I won’t look in your sock drawer? I always check dresser drawers, the bedside table, and the medicine cabinet.
  11. Helpful hint: I almost never go into kids’ rooms.
  12. You’re right: I won’t have enough time to break into that safe where you keep your valuables. But if it’s not bolted down, I’ll take it with me.
  13. A loud TV or radio can be a better deterrent than the best alarm system. If you’re reluctant to leave your TV on while you’re out of town, you can buy a $35 device that works on a timer and simulates the flickering glow of a real television.
  14. Sometimes, I carry a clipboard. Sometimes, I dress like a lawn guy and carry a rake. I do my best to never, ever look like a crook.
  15. The two things I hate most: loud dogs and nosy neighbours.
  16. I’ll break a window to get in, even if it makes a little noise. If your neighbour hears one loud sound, he’ll stop what he’s doing and wait to hear it again. If he doesn’t hear it again, he’ll just go back to what he was doing. It’s human nature.
  17. I’m not complaining, but why would you pay all that money for a fancy alarm system and leave your house without setting it?
  18. I love looking in your windows. I’m looking for signs that you’re home, and for flat screen TVs or gaming systems I’d like. I’ll drive or walk through your neighbourhood at night, before you close the blinds, just to pick my targets.
  19. Avoid announcing your vacation on your Facebook page. It’s easier than you think to look up your address.
  20. To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air. To me, it’s an invitation.
  21. If you don’t answer when I knock, I try the door. Occasionally, I hit the jackpot and walk right in.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO Geloftevolk Republikeine Germany TILL 2018













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