88tc88 is an automated, web based service that helps bands, artists and labels to translate, approve, sell and promote their music in Greater China. 88 translates your lyrics and all meta-data and arranges official approval by the Chinese authorities for the material to be released. 88tc88 offers access and sales to over 950 million subscribers on China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom for digital and mobile release. Prices range from $49.99 for one album for one year to $399.99 for 5 albums for 5 years, You keep 90% of your net earnings, after Chinese telecoms and Chinese distributor commissions are deducted.
88tc88.com translates, approves, releases, promotes and sells your music to one billion Chinese people.
- See more at: http://www.independentmusicawards.com/ima/about-us/sponsors/#sthash.hLefYm1E.dpuf