Ons Gelofte
The "official" version of the event is that a public vow was taken by a Trekker commando on 16 December 1838 at Ncome River (Blood River) which bound future descendants of the Afrikaner to commemorate the day as a religious holiday (sabbath) in the case of victory over the Zulu. In 1841 the victorious Trekkers built The Church of the Vow at Pietermaritzburg, and passed the obligation to keep the vow on to their descendants. As the original vow was never recorded in verbatim form, descriptions come from the diary of Jan Bantjes (possibly written on 9 December); a dispatch written by Pretorius to the Volksraad on 23 December 1838; and the recollections of Sarel Cilliers in 1871. A participant in the battle, Dewald Pretorius, wrote his recollections in 1862, interpreting the vow as including the building of churches and schools (Bailey 2003:31). Jan B. Bantjes (1817–1887), Pretorius' secretary, indicates that the initial promise was to build a House in return for victory. He notes that Pretorius called everyone together, and asked them to pray for God's help. Bantjes writes that Pretorius told the assembly that he wanted to make a vow, "if everyone would agree" (Bailey 2003:24). Bantjes does not say whether everyone did so. Perhaps the fractious nature of the Boers dictated that the raiding party held their own prayers in the tents of various leading men (Mackenzie 1997:73). Pretorius is also quoted as wanting to have a book written to make known what God had done to even "our last descendants". Pretorius in his 1838 dispatch mentions a vow (Afrikaans: gelofte) in connection with the building of a church, but not that it would be binding for future generations.
Contrary to Pretorius, and in agreement with Bantjes, Cilliers in 1870 recalled a promise (Afrikaans: belofte), not a vow, to commemorate the day and to tell the story to future generations. Accordingly, they would remember:
Cilliers writes that those who objected were given the option to leave. At least two persons declined to participate in the vow. Scholars disagree about whether the accompanying English settlers and servants complied (Bailey 2003). This seems to confirm that the promise was binding only on those present at the actual battle. Mackenzie (1997) claims that Cilliers may be recalling what he said to men who met in his tent. Up to the 1970s the received version of events was seldom questioned, but since then scholars have questioned almost every aspect. They debate whether a vow was even taken and, if so, what its wording was. Some argue that the vow occurred on the day of the battle, others point to 7 or 9 December. Whether Andries Pretorius or Sarel Cilliers led the assembly has been debated; and even whether there was an assembly. The location at which the vow was taken has also produced diverging opinions, with some rejecting the Ncome River site for (Bailey 2003). |
The Battle of StormbergWar: The Boer War Date: 9th December 1899 Place: Stormberg Valley in Northern Cape Colony, South Africa. Combatants: British against the Boers Generals: Major General Sir William Gatacre against General Olivier. Automatic weapons were used by the British usually mounted on special carriages accompanying the cavalry. Casualties: British casualties were 90 men with the 600 captured by the Boers. Boer casualties were trivial and are unknown. Winner: The Boers The Battle of MagersfonteinWar: The Boer War. Date: 11th December 1899. Place: 6 miles north east of the Modder River in the North West of Cape Colony, South Africa. Combatants: British against the Boers. Generals: Major General Lord Methuen and General De la Rey. Casualties: British casualties were 902. The Highland Brigade lost 53 officers and 650 soldiers, among them the brigade commander, Major General Wauchope, and 2 commanding officers killed. The commanding officer of the Gordons was also killed. Boer casualties were 236. Winner: The Boers. The Battle of ColensoWar: The Boer War. Date: 15th December 1899 Place: Colenso on the Tugela River in Northern Natal, South Africa. Combatants: British against the Boers. Generals: General Sir Redvers Buller against General Botha. Size of the armies: 16,000 British against 12,000 Boers. Casualties: British casualties were 1,167 killed, wounded and captured. Boer losses were slight. Winner: The Boers. The Battle of Val Krantz and PietersWar: The Boer War Date: 5th February to 28th February 1900. Place: The Tugela River, Northern Natal in South Africa. Generals: Lieutenant General Sir Redvers Buller against General Botha. Casualties: This extended period of fighting cost the British around 3,000 casualties, 500 of them suffered by Hart’s brigade during the attack on Inniskilling Hill. The Boers probably suffered around 1,500 casualties. The Battle of PaardenburgWar: The Boer War. Date: 27th February 1900. Place: North West of Cape Colony in South Africa on the border with the Orange Free State. Combatants: British against the Boers. Generals: Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener against General Cronje. Size of the armies: 15,000 British troops against 7,000 Boers Casualties: British casualties were 1,270, the highest for any day in the war. Boer casualties in the fighting were negligible but some 4,500 surrendered with Cronje. On the Wednesday Roberts made the decision to retreat. He was saved from what would have been the greatest humiliation of the war by De Wet’s withdrawal from the kopje and Cronje’s surrender the next day, transforming Paardeburg from disaster to triumph. The Siege of MafekingWar: The Boer War Date: 14th October 1899 to 16th May 1900. Place: Mafeking lies on the railway north to Rhodesia in the Northern tip of Cape Colony in South Africa near to the Bechuanaland border. Combatants: British against the Boers. Generals: Colonel Robert Baden-Powell against General Cronje and from November 1899 General Snyman. Size of the armies: 1,500 British colonial troops against initially7,500 Boers reduced in November 1899 to 1,500. Winner: The British held out until relieved.
The Siege of LadysmithWar: The Boer War Date: 2nd November 1899 to 27th February 1900. Place: Ladysmith in northern Natal in South Africa. Combatants: British against the Boers. Generals: Lieutenant General Sir George White against Generals Joubert and Botha. Size of the armies: 5,500 British troops against a varying number of Boers. From the end of the year 1899 the garrison outnumbered the besieging Boers. Winner: The British under White held out until relieved by General Buller, but without great distinction. |
Vernietig die dienaars van ongeregtigheid, diegene wat hulle in die werke van die duisternis verlustig! Laat hulle van die aangesig van die aarde weggevee word, want hulle is niks anders nie as indringers op die aarde, wat die skepping van JHWH wil vernietig en Sy kinders wil leed aandoen!! Maar wie is hierdie kinders van die duistenis? Die Skrif leer ons - aan jou vrugte sal jy geken word - 'n goeie boom dra nie slegte vrugte nie en 'n slegte boom dra nie goeie vrugte nie - vervloek is hulle wat die slegte vrugte dra - in die NAAM van JHWH, vervloek is hulle!! |
Destroy the servants of sin, those who delight in the works of darkness! Let them off the face of the earth are swept away, because they are nothing but intruders on earth who wants to destroy the creation of YHWH and His children want to harm !! But who are these children of the duistenis? Scripture teaches us - to your fruit you shall be known - a good tree bears bad fruit, and a bad tree can not bear good fruit - cursed them bear the bad fruit - in the name of YHWH is accursed they !! |
Zerstören Sie die Knechte der Sünde, die, die in den Werken der Finsternis zu erfreuen! Lassen Sie sie aus dem Gesicht der Erde werden aufgelöst, weil sie nichts als Eindringlinge auf der Erde, um die Erstellung von JHWH zerstören will und seine Kinder wollen schaden !! Aber wer sind diese Kinder der duistenis sind? Die Schrift lehrt uns - auf Ihre Frucht wirst du bekannt werden - ein guter Baum bringt schlechte Früchte, und ein fauler Baum kann nicht gute Früchte tragen - verfluchte sie die schlechten Früchte zu tragen - in der Name JHWH ist sie verflucht !! |
Is jy 'n ware Boer.
Gee my ‘n ware Boer “Ja ‘n Boer met ‘n leeu hart”
Boer wat nie bevrees word oor enige gerugte nie
Iemand wat bereid is om te veg vir ware vryheid
‘n Boer wat staan in wat hy in glo en in sy geloof
Wat nie omgaan met leuens of verdraaidheid nie
Boer wat enige tyd sal saam veg met mede Boere
As jy daai Boer is kom ons staan saam as Boere
Maak jou hart oop vir jou mede Boere in die stryd
Kom word deel van ‘n Boere volk en nasie.
Ons Gelof vir ons volk en ons vaderland
Op 16 Desember 1838 is 470 Voortrekkers deur ten minste 10 000 Zoeloes, georganiseer in verskeie 'impi's', by Bloedrivier aangeval. In die daaropvolgende oorwinning is net een Voortrekker lig beseer -- hul leier, Andries Pretorius. Op die voorafgaande paar dae het die Voortrekkers daagliks 'n gelofte afgelê dat indien God hulle sou help, sou hulle en hulle nageslag daardie dag soos 'n Sabbatdag herdenk, en die eer van die oorwinning sal aan God gegee word. Die slag staan bekend as die Slag van Bloedrivier, en die dag as (oorspronklik) 'Dingaansdag' (vernoem na die koning van die Zoeloes). Geloftedag word steeds in die gees van die Gelofte gehou. 16 Desember word amptelik die Dag van Versoening genoem.
After the murder of Piet Retief, perpetrated by the Zulus, and the massacre of several hundred Voortrekkers in Natal, the Boer pioneers survivors gathered themselves under Andries Pretorius, who decided to lead them against the Zulu army.
On the 9th December 1938, under the spiritual guidance of Sarel Cilliers, a contingent of 471 men commited themselves as follows:
Here we stand before the holy God [JHWH. Ed] of heaven and earth, to make a vow to Him that, if He will protect us and give our enemy into our hand, we shall keep this day and date every year as a day of thanksgiving like a sabbath, and that we shall erect a house to His honour wherever it should please Him, and that we also will tell our children that they should share in that with us in memory for future generations. For the honour of His name will be glorified by giving Him the fame and honour for the victory.
On 16th December 1838, near the Ncome River, 471 pioneers defeated a Zulu army of more than 15,000 units. More than 3,000 Zulus died, and not even a Vortrekker was seriously injured.
For the Zulus was the first major defeat of their glorious epic. Their blood copiously dyed red the waters of Ncome, so that battle is remembered as the Battle of Blood River.
The following text, written by Arthur Kemp in the 1990, recounts the Battle of Blood River, and the Vow that has gone before it.
[In] the period 1836 to 1840, known as the Great Trek the Trekkers [Voortrekkers. Ed.] who had reached the Natal interior under their leader Piet Retief, decided to try and negotiate land rights from the Zulu king Dingaan. At first, Retief appeared to have been successful, and Dingaan offered to give the Trekkers land if they recovered some cattle stolen from him by a lesser chief, one Siyonkella. This Retief and his small group then proceeded to do, and were welcomed back at the Zulu chief’s capital, Ungunggundlovu.
There Retief signed a written treaty with Dingaan, granting the Trekkers land rights, but as proceedings drew to a close Dingaan ordered his soldiers to seize Retief and his small delegation. Retief and his men were taken to a hill just outside Dingaan’s kraal and cruelly clubbed to their deaths, having been tricked into leaving their fire arms outside the king’s kraal.
The bodies were left on the hill and as tradition forbade the removal of any personal effects from people executed on that spot, another Trekker leader found Retief’s body, still with the written treaty between himself and Dingaan intact, some ten months later.
Immediately after murdering Retief, Dingaan sent his army to attack the Trekker camps, consisting mainly of women, children and elderly men, who were anxiously awaiting news of Retief’s negotiations with Dingaan. The attack on the Trekker women and children was carried out on 17 February 1838, and saw 56 women, 185 children and 40 elderly men slaughtered in the most gruesome fashion. The psychological effect upon the Trekkers in Natal, whose total numbers at that stage were under 1000, was enormous. The site of the massacre was named Weenen (Dutch for “weeping”) and has retained the name to this day.
A new Trekker leader, Andries Pretorius, decided that a final showdown with the Zulus would be necessary. On 28 November 1838, he led a commando consisting of 468 Trekkers, 1 Scotsman and 2 Englishmen, all in 57 wagons, in search of Dingaan’s army.
On Sunday 9 December, sensing the approaching battle with the Zulus, this relatively small group of men held a church service in the open veld at the Wasbank River, and made a pledge to the Christian God [JHWH. Ed.] that if they were granted victory, then they and their descendants would forever more celebrate , the day of the battle. Ed.] “as if it were a Sabbath” in remembrance of the victory and their debt to their God [JHWH. Ed.].
On Sunday 15 December 1838 the Trekker commando arrived at the river the Zulu called the Ncome. The site had been chosen with care, since the Trekker forces were expecting the Zulu attack at any moment. The wagons were drawn into a circle, called a laager in Dutch. Along the one side of the laager ran a deep natural ditch, and some 300m to the east ran the river. At dawn of the 16th, as the mist lifted, the Trekker force of 471 men was confronted by a Zulu army of over 15 000.
Wave after wave of Zulus attacked, and each time were forced to retreat by the Trekker fire power. After several hours the Trekkers sent out a group of men on horseback to drive the Zulu army into the corner between the ditch and the river. Here the Zulus were decimated, and many only escaped by swimming across the river. So many perished there that the river itself ran red with their blood, leading to the battle being called the Battle of Blood River. The Zulu forces were defeated and Dingaan fled.
The battle seemed all the more wondrous , when the final casualty total was counted - more than 3000 Zulu dead and not one Trekker even seriously injured.