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Geloftevolk Republikeine Germany

Misdaat En Aanvalle


Bejaarde in Rolstoel van De Rust Aangeval met Mes

mes moordDE RUST – Die inwoners van De Rust, Wes-Kaap is steeds geskok na die aanranding op die bejaarde Evert Crafford (83) Maandag 2 Februarie helder oor dag in sy huis.

Evert is blykbaar vyf keer deur ‘n verdagte man (20) met ‘n mes gesteek, vier keer in die bors en skouers en een keer in sy kop. Evert is in ‘n rolstoel omdat sy linker been geamputeer is. Volgens Evert, het die man hom in sy huis oorrompel en hom met pepersproei gespuit en hom gedwing om die kluis se sleutels te gee.

Die verdagte het reeds Woensdag in die hof verskyn op ’n aanklag van huisroof – Afrikaanse Nuus



Egpaar Aangeval Tydens Roof in Oos-Kaap

Oumens hande 640 x 480 STONERIDGEGeorge Hatton, (56) en sy vrou Brenda van Stoneridge in die Oos-Kaap, is aangeval deur sewe verdagtes toe hulle wou ingryp tydens ‘n poging tot motor diefstal.
George wat siek afgeboek is weens ‘n tweede hartaanval skaars twee maande gelede, het op ‘n tafel stoel geslaap in die sitkamer as gevolg van sy hart. Hulle huis hondjie Scoobie het geblaf omstreeks 01:00 die oggend van 5 februarie. George het wakker geword, daarna het hy sy  vrou gaan wakker maak. Die egpaar het deur hulle veiligheidshek geloer en sewe verdagtes in die straat waargeneem. Brenda het egter terug in haar bed gaan klim, maar ‘n rukkie later het Scoobie weer geblaf. George het weer ondersoek ingestel en gesien die verdagtes sit op die verkeersirkel van die park in die pad af.

Blykbaar omstreeks 02:30 het Scoobie weer geblaf en hierdie keer het George waaghalsig tot buite op die sypaadjie gaan ondersoek instel, want sy buurvrou se motorkap is oop en die verdagtes is besig om die battery te verwyder. George het onmiddelik op die verdagtes geskree, dit het egter vir hom gelyk of hulle hom ignoreer. Net toe hy omdraai om terug te gaan na sy voorhek, slaan een van die verdagtes hom onverwags drie keer met ‘n plank van agteraf en in die gesig. George het probeer die verdagtes teenstaan, elke keer wat hy opstaan slaan hulle hom weer plat. Hy het gedink hy is besig om weer ‘n hartaanval te kry nadat hy begin lam voel het.

Volgens die egbaar het vyf van die verdagtes na hul huis gehaas. Twee het Brenda in haar slaapkamer gekry, terwyl drie ander die platbuis TV, ‘n versterker, ‘n kamera en ‘n tablet gesteel het. Asook is George se silwer ketting van sy nek afgeruk. Terwyl George hulpeloos buite op die grond gelê het, kon hy hoor Brenda skree. Hy het gedink die verdagtes gaan haar doodmaak. Brenda was blykbaar so woedend dat sy die rower wat haar selfoon steel met haar vuiste op sy bors geboender het. Hy het haar in die gesig geslaan waarna sy na die venster gegaan, en geskree het vir hulp. Die bure het blykbaar die polisie ontbied wat binne 15 minute op die toneel was.

George, wat op siekteverlof en ‘n bestuurder vir BMW is, het gesê hy het verplig gevoel om in te gryp toe hy sien die verdagtes is besig om sy buurvrou se motor te steel. Volgens kaptein Mluleki Mbi ondersoek die polisie ‘n saak van huisroof, maar geen arrestasies is gemaak – Afrikaanse Nuus



Protesaksie Samestelling en Opvolg

Brandende Bande 640x480 SAKE – Protes aksies het toenemend vlam gevat die afgelope paar dae. In verskeie gebiede moes die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie Diens ernstig ingryp weens geweldadigheid wat hand uit ruk. Hier is ‘n kort lys van gebiede wat deur hierdie aksie geraak word:

Op die N4 by Bapong is die pad nogsteeds gesluit, protes aksie het reeds vroeg Donderdagoggend vlam gevat, asook op die R104 pad tussen Brits/Rustenburg en Mooinooi in die Wes-Transvaal was gesluit. Op die R40 by Buchbuckridge in Oos-Transvaal was die pad vroeg gesluit. Oos-Londen in die Oos-Kaap op die M8 is losgebrand om die skare onder beheer te bring. Skoolkinders in Nompumelelo het aangesluit by die protes aksie, vir die rede rondom onwettige sny van elektrisiteit. Op die N6 van Oos-Londen in die Oos-kaap was daar bande gebrand en pad toegemaak, vir die rede van sny van onwettige elektrisiteit. In Wes-Transvaal, Majakeng is die pad toegemaak, bande gebrand en voertuie met klippe gegooi – Afrikaanse Nuus





Afrikaner families ready to flee Brits: violent rioters close down major highways N4 and R104 North West


Afrikaner families ready to flee Mooinooi Brits riot-torn areas, pupils in school buses protected by police back and forth to school: The area is increasingly unsafe for Afrikaner families: a week earlier, the Afrikaans kindergarten 'Vinnige Voetjes' was attacked by a group of black male gunmen (pagegrab attached).

Afrikaner families ready to flee Mooinooi Brits riot-torn areas

5 February 2015 - South Africa: North West, Brits, Mooinooi protesters throw stones at Methodist Bishop Paul Verryn, tell him to 'voetsek'
The area already is very dangerous for Afrikaner families who since June 2012 have been targeted by more than 70 incidents of very violent crimes, including murders, torture and mutilation-attacks, all by reportedly very aggressive black males who shouted racist language at the Afrikaners.

On 29 January 2015, the children and headmaster of the Afrikaans kindergarten on Maroela Street in Brits'Vinnige Voetjies' were attacked by three armed blacks who drove up in a luxury BMW.

It is also reported by local residents that there seems to be no real difference between the rioters and the criminals who are attacking and looting shops and businesses in the area. The 'rioters' and 'protestors'are also looting shops and attacking white people in their cars.
5 February 2015 - South Africa: North West, Brits, Mooinooi protesters throw stones at Methodist Bishop Paul Verryn, tell him to 'voetsek'
Summary 5 February 2015: The Mooinooi area near Brits in the riot-torn North West region of South Africa now is see as a danger zone by local residents, who are packing up their cars with emergency supplies and getting ready to flee at a moment's notice.
From Monday, the school-buses were accompanied by four police patrol cars to protect the children from the increasingly violent mobs who have closed down the N4 highway near
Mooinooi and Brits. The R104 between Mooinooi and Bokfontein was also closed. Residents are advised to use a private Lonmin Mine road to get past the mobs.
Two Afrikaner journalists were hijacked on Monday and nearly killed by the mob: their lives were saved by a courageous passerby.

Protesters in the Majakaneng village near Mooinooi, North West, threw stones at world-famous liberal Methodist Bishop Paul Verryn and his colleague as they tried to speak to residents on Wednesday, he said.
"The situation here is very tense, the presence of police and the firing of rubber bullets is aggravating the situation," Verryn said.
"I came here with a colleague to try and mediate and when we were approaching the protesters, they started throwing stones at us and told us to 'voetsek' [go away],'' he said.
He said he and his fellow priest from the local community walked away unharmed.
Police fired rubber bullets to disperse the crowd, he said.
"Roads have been closed, there is chaos everywhere...I am standing on the side of a road right now and there is a vehicle on fire as we speak," Verryn said.
North West police spokesman Brigadier Thulani Ngubane could not be reached for comment.
Verryn said he would try to approach mine companies in the area to be part of a mediation process with the residents.
On Tuesday, residents complained about water and electricity supply in the area - which municipality has declared bankruptcy. They barricaded roads and burnt tyres.
Earlier, the North West community safety department said protesters were throwing stones at vehicles travelling between Rustenburg and Pretoria.
The stoning of vehicles led to traffic officials closing the road between Mooinooi and Brits.
Motorists were advised to use the Lonmin private road as an alternative.



VIDEO: Police kill fleeing suspect in Terenure shootout

One suspect was killed, another suffered a broken wrist, two suspects got away and a bystander was hit by a stray bullet

BYSTANDERS look on as the arrested suspect is escorted by police to hospital.

IT looked like a scene from an action movie in Terenure on Thursday afternoon when a shootout between police and fleeing house robbers ended in one suspect being killed and another arrested.

The suspects’ getaway car crashed into a tree after the driver had been shot dead.

The incident took place on Rooihout and Heather streets at about 1.30pm.

Norkem Park SAPS spokesman, Capt Lesibana Molokomme, said a suspicious looking black Volvo had been spotted at a house on Rooihout Street while officers were patrolling in the area.

“When the suspects noticed the police vehicle, they drove out of the property and opened fire on the police. The police retaliated,” he said.During the shootout, Molokomme said, the suspect driving the vehicle was hit, resulting in the vehicle crashing into a tree.

“One of the suspects, who was a passenger, broke his wrist. A pedestrian walking down Rooihout Street was hit by the vehicle and wounded in the thigh,” he further explained.

Two other suspects escaped.

Molokomme said stolen TVs, computers and other items were found in the Volvo. Three firearms had been recovered, two at the house that been broken into and one in the suspects’ vehicle.“The injured suspect was arrested and taken to hospital and will be charged with house breaking, theft and attempted murder.”

Norkem Park SAPS spokesman, Capt Lesibana Molokomme, speaks at the crime scene:


The street was abuzz with activity. Police had cordoned off the area but still had to ensure that the crime scene was not tampered with.

Various emergency services were on the scene to attend to the injured bystander and suspect. Onlookers were taking videos and photographs of the scene.

Others just stood in shock, gawking at the aftermath of the shootout. They were especially fascinated when the injured suspect was lifted onto a stretcher and escorted by police into an ambulance to be taken to hospital.

Suspect with broken wrist escorted to ambulance: watch video

More photographs at the scene

A suspect lies dead in the driver's seat of the Volvo after a shootout with police.

A suspect lies dead in the driver's seat of the Volvo after a shootout with police.
















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