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South African Recipes
Our collection of South African recipes includes a wide variety of cultural foods from this unique cuisine, from sausage to sweet fritters, and much more.

             Kerrie maalvleis-vetkoek

Suurdeeg vetkoek

(sowat 8 groot vetkoeke)

250 g (445 ml) witbroodmeel
250 g (445 ml) koekmeel 
10 ml sout 
1 x 10 g kitssuurdeeg 
15 ml suiker 
315 ml warm water 
sowat 600 ml sonneblomolie

Meng witbroodmeel, koekmeel, sout en suurdeeg. Kombineer suiker en warm water en voeg by die meel. Meng goed.
Knie deeg vir minstens 10 minute op ’n meelbestrooide oppervlak tot lekker elasties. Plaas deeg in ’n bak (taamlik groter as die deeg).
Smeer ’n klein bietjie olie daaroor sodat dit nie uitdroog nie.

Maak bak toe met kleefplastiek en laat deeg op ’n louwarm plek rys tot byna dubbel die grootte. In koue weer kan jy die vetkoek laat rys in jou lou-oond, op laag.
Knie die deeg af. Rol dit in ’n lang ovaalvorm en verdeel in 6 – 8 vetkoeke.

Plaas vetkoeke op ’n bakplaat en laat weer vir sowat 30 minute rys. Verhit olie in ’n kastrol. Breek ’n klein stukkie deeg af om te toets of olie reg is: As dit dadelik begin braai, is die olie
gereed. Braai 3 vetkoeke op ’n slag. Draai hulle om wanneer die een kant begin verbruin. Verlaag die olie se temperatuur en draai die vetkoeke nou en dan om.

Hulle braai vir minstens 10 minute. Dreineer op kombuispapier.

Kerrie maalvleis

(vulsel vir sowat 8 vetkoeke)

30 ml sonneblomolie 
500 g maalvleis 
2 uie, fyngekap 
2 knoffelhuisies, fyngekap 
1 blik gekapte tamaties 
20 – 30 ml kerriepoeier 
15 ml borrie 
sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper na smaak 
sowat 250 ml water

Verhit olie in ’n kastrol. Voeg maalvleis by en braai vir so 6 minute. Die vleisstukkies moet net loskom van mekaar. Voeg gekapte uie en knoffel by en braai verder vir so 10 minute. Voeg tamaties, kerriepoeier en borrie by. Geur met sout en swartpeper. Voeg water by en bedek. Laat vir minstens 2 uur prut. As vleis lyk of dit wil droog kook, kan jy nog water byvoeg. Maak die vetkoeke en sny oop. Skep van die kerriemaalvleis in en sit dadelik voor met lekker blatjang daarby.


Oxtail Potjie recipe

A Potjie Kos is a meal cooked in an iron pot over the fire. The way to cook a potjie is usually very slow. Many types of meat can be used for a potjie but here we have chosen one of the favorites - oxtail.


2 large oxtails, cut into joints
1/3 cup cooking oil
2 large onions, sliced into fairly thick rounds
6 bay leaves
4 chopped cloves of garlic
4 large carrots, scraped and cut into chunky wheels
the juice of one lemon
6 cloves
a good grind of black pepper
a dash of Worcester sauce
6 potatoes, peeled and halved
1/3 cup of brandy
water to cover

Instructions on how to make it

Heat the oil in the potjie, then brown the meat quickly over high heat with the onion. Add bay leaves, garlic, cloves, lemon juice, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and carrots. Add enough water barely to cover.

Let it simmer away very slowly for four hours, then add the potatoes and the brandy and let it simmer until the potatoes are done and the meat is fall-off-the-bone tender.

Serve with rice, crispy fresh bread and green salad.


Boerewors recipe

Boerewors or Farmers Sausage is a traditional BBQ sausage. There are many secret recipes on how to make boerewors but here we provide you with the traditional recipe.


2 kg of chuck beef (fat and gristle removed)
750 de-boned thick rib of pork
200 g of pork fat (spek)
1 tablespoon ground coriander
2 tablespoons salt
a good pinch of nutmeg
½ cup vinegar
About 90g of pork casings (ask your butcher for some or ask him where you can buy it)

Instructions on how to make it

Cut the meat and spek into small cubes. Sprinkle the seasoning over the meat (not the vinegar Penny), mix well and then mince together. Add the vinegar and mix lightly, but thoroughly. Stuff into casing and refrigerate for 24 hours in a covered, non-metal container.

(Optional: You can experiment by adding additional ingredients. For a lovely curry flavour add a tablespoon of curry powder to the above recipe. For a great garlic flavour add finely crushed and chopped garlic and for a sharper taste add more vinegar).

Do not overcook sausage. About 12-15 minutes over slow coals should do well. Serve with other BBQ dishes like Mealie Bread.


Bobotie recipe

The origins of Bobotie can be traced back to the eastern influence on South African culture. The Cape Malay society are famous for cooking this dish and it is usually served with yellow rice.


1 kg minced lamb
125ml milk
1 thick slice of white bread, crust removed and soaked in milk
2 roughly chopped onions butter
1 tablespoon of curry powder (mix the hot and the Cape Malay versions for a good flavour)
1 chili, finely chopped (optional and only if you like your food quite hot)
½ cup vinegar
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of chutney
8 -10 crushed almonds (optional)
3 eggs
1 clove of garlic, crushed and finely chopped
6 bay leaves
1 orange, sliced in wheels
1 lemon, sliced in wheels
Oil for cooking

Instructions on how to make it

Heat the oil in frying pan and add the garlic, onion and curry power. Cook over medium heat for three minutes, then add the mince meat. Fry until the meat is almost done, then using your hands, squeeze the milk from the bread. Discard the milk and add the bread, vinegar, lemon juice, sugar and chutney to the mince. Fry for a minute or so and then remove from heat.
Take a pie dish and place three bay leaves, two wheels of orange and two wheels of lemon at the bottom. Now scoop the mince mixture into the dish. Decorate the sides of the dish with the rest of the lemon and orange wheels, wedging them between the mince and the sides of the dish so that only a third protrudes. If you are using almonds, push them into the mince. Beat the eggs and 125ml milk, and pour over the meat. Put three bay leaves on top of dish. Place the dish uncovered in the oven and cook for about 30 minutes at 160 deg Celsius.

Serve with a plain green salad or chopped tomato and onion, sprinkled with a little vinegar. Make sure you have some chutney near at hand. Serve piping hot with the yellow rice.

Linefish on a Bed of Butternut


Linefish on a Bed of Butternut
Serves 4  
2 heaped cups unpeeled butternut cut into 1½ x 1½ cm cubes
Ina Paarman's Masala Spice
Canola oil
800 g fresh firm line fish, skin on and filleted e.g. kingklip,
or monkfish cut into portions
Ina Paarman's Tomato Pesto
1 x 200 ml Ina Paarman's Butter Chicken Ready to Serve Sauce
fresh coriander to garnish

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Adjust oven rack to middle position.

Toss the cubed butternut with 2t Masala Spice and 2T canola oil. Spread out in a 30cm x 21cm ovenproof dish. Roast open for 20 minutes until nicely browned.
Season the fish with ± 2t of Masala Spice and drizzle with oil.
Flash-fry the fish in a non-stick pan just to colour the outside - the inside will still be raw.
Arrange the fish portions on top of the butternut. Spread generously with Tomato Pesto and squeeze the Butter Chicken Sauce over the fish. Can be pre-prepared to this stage.

Bake for ± 20-25 minutes until lightly browned and just cooked.
Garnish with fresh coriander just before serving.


The cooking of South Africa, often called "rainbow cuisine," is a mixture of indigenous African dishes, the cooking of Dutch and English settlers and the well spiced foods of Malays, Indians and Indonesians who were brought to South Africa as slaves and servants in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Using these tasty South African recipes, you can use the kitchen as part of your children’s learning experiences as they live in and learn about South Africa. These South African recipes are also just great food for company and comfort times

Chicken Curry Potjie recipe

Chicken Curry Potjie (pot) is a great way to be able to entertain and still enjoy a great meal by simply adding all the ingredients into a huge pot over the fire place and leaving to simmer.


2kg skinless chicken thighs or breasts
3 large grated onions
5 skinless tomatoes
1 large tin tomato paste
4 heaped teaspoons masala
3 bay leaves
2 dessert spoons crushed garlic
1 table spoon coriander
1 teaspoon fennel
2 large sticks cinnamon
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 litre red wine
6 Large potatoes cut in half

Instructions on how to make it

Sauté your onions and garlic until soft, then add the spices and let simmer for a couple of minutes. Add tomatoes and tomato paste together with some red wine – simmer for about 5 minutes.

Add chicken pieces and potatoes with a little more wine. Place the lid on your potjie, simmer on a low heat for about 45 minutes, checking the liquid level regularly, adding more red wine when needed. About 15 minutes before you are ready to eat add sugar to taste.

Serve on a bed of rice, cooked together with mustard seeds, turmeric and onion flakes for added flavor.

Koeksisters recipe

The sweet taste of these plaited dough cakes makes them a great favorite in South Africa. The secret of their success, is in preparing the syrup a day ahead and chilling it before dipping the koeksisters.


For the syrup:
1kg sugar
500ml (2 cups) water
2 pieces fresh green ginger (each 5cm), peeled and crushed
2ml (½ teaspoon) cream of tartar
Pinch of salt
Grated rind and juice of ½ lemon

For the dough:
500g flour
2ml (½ teaspoon) salt
30ml (2 tablespoons) baking powder
55g butter, grated
1 egg
250-375ml (1-1½ cups) milk or water

Instructions on how to make it

To make the syrup, put all the ingredients in a saucepan. Heat (stirring) until the sugar has completely dissolved. Cover the mixture and boil for 1 minute. Remove the saucepan lid and boil the syrup for a further 5 minutes, but do not stir it. Remove the syrup from the stove and allow it to cool for at least 2 hours in a refrigerator, or overnight.

To make the dough, sieve together the dry ingredients and rub in the grated butter with your fingertips, or cut it in with a pastry cutter. Beat the egg, add 250ml (1 cup) of the milk or water and mix lightly with the dry ingredients to a soft dough. Add more milk or water if the dough is too stiff. Knead well until small bubbles form under the surface of the dough. Cover with a damp cloth and allow to stand for 30 minutes –1 hour.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm, then form koeksisters in either of the following ways:
Cut strips 1 cm wide and twist 2 strips together, or plait 3 strips together, cutting the twisted, or plaited lengths at 8cm intervals and pinching the ends together.

Alternatively, cut the dough into 8cm x 4cm pieces. Cut 2 vertical slits in each piece, reaching to 1cm from the end. Plait the 3 strips that have been formed and pinch together the loose ends.

Heat 7-8cm deep oil to 180-190°C – a cube of bread should turn golden-brown in a minute. Fry the koeksisters for 1-2 minutes, or until golden-brown, then turn them over with a fork and fry until golden-brown on the other side.

Remove the koeksisters with a lifter or slotted spoon, drain them for a moment on paper towel and then plunge them into the cold syrup for 1-2 minutes. Stand the container of syrup in a bowel of ice so that the syrup will stay cold. Remove the koeksisters from the syrup with a lifter or slotted spoon, allowing the excess syrup to flow back into the basin, then drain them slightly on a wire rack.

Vetkoek recipe

The English have Yorkshire Pudding and the South Africans have Vetkoek! Fill it with mincemeat, cheese or any thing else that comes to hand.


250ml (1cup) cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
125 milk
125 ml oil for frying

Instructions on how to make it

Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. beat egg separately and add to flour. Add milk and mix until smooth heat oil in frying pan and drop a tablespoon of the mixture into oil.

Don't make more than four at a time.

Fry for two to three minutes on one side, then turn and fry for one minute on other side. Serve hot.

Yellow Rice recipe

Yellow rice is eaten with the Cape Malay dish called Bobotie.


2 cups of rice
¾ cup raisins, soaked in water for 20 minutes, then drained
1 teaspoon of turmeric
a dash of salt
2 sticks of cinnamon

Instructions on how to make it

Place all the ingredients, including the raisins in about 750ml of water, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. If there is still excess water in the pot when the rice is tender, pour it out carefully.
Dot the rice with a few blobs of butter and give it a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar (come on Penny, a little sugar and a little cinnamon powder, mixed together).

Cover and keep warm.


             Lentil Rice with Coriander

Lentil Rice with Coriander

Serves 4

The Coriander Pesto and Chicken Stock go a long way towards lifting the flavour of the rice.
2 T (30 ml) Ina Paarman's Chicken Stock Powder
3 cups (750 ml) water
½ cup (125 ml) brown lentils
1 cup (250 ml) long grain rice
2 t (10 ml) Ina Paarman's Vegetable Spice
4 T (60 ml) Ina Paarman's Coriander Pesto

Measure the Chicken Stock Powder, water and lentils in a saucepan. Boil for 10 minutes. Add the rice and Vegetable Spice. Cook gently for 20-25 minutes. Switch off the heat and leave to stand with the lid tightly closed for a final 10 minutes. Fork the Coriander Pesto through and serve. 


Mealie or Sweatcorn bread recipe

This is also known as Sweetcorn bread and goes down a treat at any BBQ or as they call it in South Africa - a Braai.


2 cups biscuit mix
1 cup creamed sweetcorn
1 tablespoon sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup whole milk
2 ounces butter, melted

Instructions on how to make it

In a large bowl, place the biscuit mix, creamed corn, and sugar. Add the egg and milk, and stir just until combined.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Grease a 9" baking pan. Place the mealie mixture into the pan, and coat with the melted butter.

Bake for 20 minutes.

Mild lamb curry potjie recipe

Lamb curry potjie is a real favourite of mine, particulary easy to do in the winter time and when you want to entertain large crowds without having to spend hours in the kitchen. The recipe serves six. Thank you from the RainbowNation team for posting this recipe on the forum for all to share.


750g x 2 cubed lamb ( you can use half beef and half lamb, but it is nicer if you use only lamb)
4-5 sweet potatoes peeled and cut in large chunks
1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin
1 ½ teaspoons ground coriander seed
1 teaspoon chillie jam
2 teaspoons garam masala
1cm ginger peeled and grated
6 garlic cloves crushed
2 bay leaves
1/4 ground turmeric
1 tablespoon oil
2 onions chopped
800g tin peeled tomatoes

Instructions on how to make it

Liquidize the tin peeled tomatoes in the food processor. Fry the onions in the oil remove the onions. Use the same pot to dry fry the herbs and spices for a moment. Add the onions and the liquidized tomatoes. Add the meat bring to boil. Cook for 1 hour on the stove top with the lid on the pot. If to dry you can add half a cup of water. Add sweet potatoes cook for another hour or till sweet potatoes are tender. The sweet potato thickens the sauce. Eat and enjoy. The mild curry freezes well.

Hot Rice Salad recipe

There are many variations to the way rice is prepared and served in South Africa. This variation can be served with almost any meat dish.


400g rice (2 c)
875 ml boiling water (3½ c)
2 chicken stock cubes
3 onions
1 clove garlic
1 medium green pepper
30 ml sunflower oil (2 T)
250 g mushrooms
250 g bacon
1 large tomato
5 ml salt (1 t)
pinch of black pepper

Instructions on how to make it

Cook the rice in the boiling water to which the chicken stock cubes have been added, until it is soft but not mushy. Peel the onions and garlic and chop and cut into strips. Braise these vegetables in the sunflower oil until soft.

Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth. Cut up the mushrooms and bacon. Peel the tomato and chop roughly. Add the mushrooms, bacon and tomato to the onion mixture and braise till just done. Season with the salt and black pepper. Mix the vegetable mixture and the rice lightly together with a large fork. Serve the rice salad hot.

Makes about 16 servings.



Biltong is South African dried meat, a delicacy a bit similar to "beef jerky". Here are three different recipes:


BILTONG - Recipe 1


What you need:

  • an electric fan
  • a light
  • 1 kg meat - many different meats can be used. If you do not have access to ostrich or game etc then try a cut of beef like eye of the round or flank.
  • some vinegar
  • less than a table spoon of course salt (or Kosher salt)
  • 1/4 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup of coriander (whole)(get it at a bulk food store)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • string

You also need a good knife, fridge, electricity, scissors, a couple of bowls, some nails or hooks, a hammer and someone to make fun of you for trying to maintain your South African heritage. A couple other ingredients that I have never used but you may wish to use include bicarbonate of soda (apparently to prevent mould setting in) and saltpetre which acts as a preservative and gives the biltong a bright red colour.




  • Wash the meat.
  • Cut the meat at an angle against the grain into about one inch strips.
  • Sprinkle vinegar over the meat
  • Place the coriander in a bag and lightly crush the whole coriander so that the effect of the coriander will be greater.
  • Make the "biltong mix" by combining the course salt, brown sugar, coriander, black pepper.
  • Dip the meat into the "biltong mix" until all the mix is used up.
  • Place the meat in a tray for a few hours, or over night, in the fridge.
  • After a few hours dump any blood that has seeped out of the meat.
  • Dip the biltong quickly into a water/vinegar mixture to remove surface salt.
  • Hang the biltong by making a very small incision through the slice of meat with a knife about an inch from the end of the meat.
  • Cut the string into about 10 inch strips which are placed through the meat and tied to form a loop.
  • Hang the biltong in a place not to far from an electrical outlet by taking the loop of string and place it on the hook or nail or hangar or whatever device you have created to suspend the meat.
  • To dry the meat turn on the light(regular light bulb) and the fan and leave for about 4-7 days depending on humidity, temperature and taste.

Serves 1 hungry South African

Storage directions

Ha! If you have any biltong left after a couple days then you are either a very lucky person or have added too much salt! Biltong can be frozen. It can be grated and used in such dishes as Biltong Frittata or Biltong and Cheese Quiche, which I personally thinks sounds gross!


Aartappel en cheddar rolletjies

Aartappel en cheddar rolletjies


4 groot aartappels, geskil
300 g sterk cheddarkaas, gerasper
2 eiers, geklits
60 ml gekapte pietersielie
knippie rooipeper, of na smaak
sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper na smaak
6 velle filodeeg
sowat 50 ml gesmelte botter
sowat 150 ml olyfolie
30 ml gekapte pietersielie

Kook aartappels tot sag. Druk fyn met 'n vurk. Daar kan nog stukke in wees. Voeg kaas, eiers en pietersielie by. Geur met rooipeper, sout en peper. Plaas een vel filodeeg op jou werkoppervlak. Smeer met gesmelte botter. Plaas 'n tweede vel deeg bo-op. Smeer weer met gesmelte botter. Herhaal met 'n derde vel. Skep van die aartappelvulsel sowat 5 cm van
onderkant van deeg in 'n lang wors. Vou deeg oor vulsel. Vou kante weerskante oor vulsel en rol op. Herhaal met die res. Maak toe met kleefplastiek en laat koud word in yskas. Sny koue rol
in skywe van sowat 3 cm. Verhit olyfolie in pan en braai sirkels weerskante vir sowat 3minute. Dreineer op kombuispapier. Sprinkel gekapte pietersielie oor en sit warm voor.


BILTONG - Recipe 2

Serves 30


10 pounds venison
8 ounces Salt
2 ounces Mixed Spices
1/4 tablespoon Chilli peppers
1 teaspoon Cracked Black Pepper, Optional
1 ounce Prague Powder No 2.

  • Using the dry-cure method, mix all the salts and spices.
  • Cut the meat into 1 inch thin strips and lay a layer in a curing pan.
  • Sprinkle the salt mixture over the layer and then place another layer on top, repeating the process.
  • Continue to layer the meat untill all the strips are laid out and salted.
  • Cure for 24 hours then remove from the cure and scrub all the salt off.
  • Pre heat the smoker to 100 degrees and smoke for about 8 hours.
  • Cool rapidly
  • Keep in a cool dry place until you're really hungry, then tuck in.

BILTONG - Recipe 3

Beef (Preferably Silverside/London Broil)
Rock Salt
Coarse Ground Black Pepper
Coarse Ground Coriander
Vinegar (preferably Apple-Cider vinegar)

First, be sure to sterilize all your hooks, knives, and working surfaces by washing well in hot water and soap.

Get some half-inch thick strips of beef (silverside - called London Broil in the US). Make sure it's cut with the grain. The pieces should be about 6 inches long. Liberally sprinkle rock-salt on each side of the pieces of meat and let them stand for an hour. The longer you let it stand the saltier it will become.

After the hour, scrape off all the excess salt with a knife (don't soak it in water!). Then get some vinegar, preferably apple-cider vinegar, but any vinegar will do. Put some vinegar in a bowl and dip the strips of meat in the vinegar for a second or so, just so that the meat is covered in the vinegar. Hold the biltong up so that the excess vinegar drips off. Then sprinkle ground pepper and ground coriander over the meat on all sides.

Once you have done this, the meat is ready to dry. There are several methods of drying. One is to hang it up on a line in a cool place and have a fan blow on it. This method is a bit difficult because if the air is humid the meat can spoil. The method I use is a home-made 'Biltong Box'. This is basically a sealed wooden box (you can use cardboard if you like) about 40cm across and 1m high, with holes in the sides and a 60w lightbulb inside. Just hang the meat at the top of the box, and leave the lightbulb on at the bottom. The heat from the lightbulb helps dry the meat (even in humid weather) in about 3-4 days. Remember, the box must be closed on all 6 sides except for a few holes. The whole theory behind this method is that hot dry air rises thus drying the biltong. The holes are quite important as they promote good air circulation in the box.

You'll know when the biltong is ready when it is quite hard, but still a bit moist inside. Of course, some people like it 'wet' and others like it 'dry'. It's all a matter of taste. Most South Africans I know like it in between - basically just a bit red inside. If it has gone green, then the meat has spoiled (i.e. don't eat it).   

Variations include the above recipe, but add flavours like Worcestershire sauce, BBQ sauce, tabasco sauce, soy sauce, etc. Just brush these sauces on after applying the vinegar using a basting brush.


4 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 cup butter
2 beaten eggs
Deep hot oil for frying


4 cups sugar and
3 cups water

Sift flour, salt and baking powder into bowl, rub in butter. Add beaten eggs and little milk to form stiff dough. Chill for 1/2 hour.

Roll out to 1/4 inch thick and cut into strips 2 1/2 x 1 inch. Cut strips into 3 tails, leaving one end joined. Plait strips and join end of plait.

Fry a few at a time in hot oil. Lift out, drain and drop into chilled syrup.


2 medium onions sliced
2 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon curry powder
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 Tablespoon vinegar
2 lb (1 kg) mince
1 thick slice bread
1 1/4 cups milk
2 eggs

Fry onions in butter; sprinkle curry powder on onions, add salt, sugar, vinegar, meat and mix well.

Soak bread in milk, drain, mash with a fork and add to meat, together with 1 egg. Put in a pie dish. Stand dish in another dish of water. Beat remaining egg, add to milk and pour on top of meat. Bake at 3500F for 30/40 minutes. Take out of oven and sprinkle with cheese if desired.



1 Pie crust (pre-baked)
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs
1 Tablespoon butter (or margarine)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup flour

Boil together milk, sugar, butter and cinnamon. Mix flour with cold water to pouring consistency. Add flour mixture to boiling milk, stirring all the time. Cool slightly. Beat eggs well and add to milk mixture. Cook mixture again for a few minutes.

Pour mixture into pie crust, sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. Bake at 180 C (375 F) for 20 minutes.

(Serve cold, keep in fridge if possible.)


Biltong Recipes

Biltong Spread


  • 125 g smooth cream cheese with chives
  • 30 ml mayonnaise
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • 60 g grated biltong (125 ml)
  • Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste

Spread on bread canapes - cut slices of bread into rounds or fingers, fry in cooking oil until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack then spread with biltong mixture and garnish with sliced olives or gherkins.

Spread on slices of wholewheat bread and garnished with thin slices of lemon or cucumber.

Biltong Muffins

  • 120 g Wholewheat flour (250 ml)
  • 120 g Cake flour (250 ml)
  • 200 g Biltong - finely chopped (500 ml)
  • 50 g Cheddar Cheese (125 ml)
  • 30 ml Baking powder
  • 3 Eggs
  • 200 ml Milk
  • 100 ml Cooking oil
  • 5 ml Salt
  • 15 ml Lemon juice
Combine all the ingredients and mix lightly. Spoon into greased muffin pans and bake at 220° C for 11 minutes. Leave to cool slightly before removing and serving with butter.

Cheese and chutney mini muffins

Cheese and chutney mini muffins

2 cups self-raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup olive oil
2 lightly beaten eggs
2/3 cup finely grated parmesan
salt and cracked black pepper
2 tablespoons tomato chutney

Preheat oven to 190°C. Spray a 12 x 1 1/2 tablespoon-capacity mini muffin pan with a little oil spray. Set aside.
Sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine milk, olive oil and eggs and add to the flour mixture. Add parmesan and salt and cracked black pepper, folding gently until just combined.
Place a spoonful of mixture in each muffin hole, coming about 3/4 of the way up the side of each hole. Make a little well in the centre of each muffin hole and divide tomato chutney between each hole. Using a skewer, gently swirl the chutney into the muffin mixture.
Bake for 10 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Turn out onto a wire rack to cool and repeat with remaining muffin mixture.


BILTONG - Recipe 2

Serves 30


10 pounds venison
8 ounces Salt
2 ounces Mixed Spices
1/4 tablespoon Chilli peppers
1 teaspoon Cracked Black Pepper, Optional
1 ounce Prague Powder No 2.

  • Using the dry-cure method, mix all the salts and spices.
  • Cut the meat into 1 inch thin strips and lay a layer in a curing pan.
  • Sprinkle the salt mixture over the layer and then place another layer on top, repeating the process.
  • Continue to layer the meat untill all the strips are laid out and salted.
  • Cure for 24 hours then remove from the cure and scrub all the salt off.
  • Pre heat the smoker to 100 degrees and smoke for about 8 hours.
  • Cool rapidly
  • Keep in a cool dry place until you're really hungry, then tuck in.

BILTONG - Recipe 3

Beef (Preferably Silverside/London Broil)
Rock Salt
Coarse Ground Black Pepper
Coarse Ground Coriander
Vinegar (preferably Apple-Cider vinegar)

First, be sure to sterilize all your hooks, knives, and working surfaces by washing well in hot water and soap.

Get some half-inch thick strips of beef (silverside - called London Broil in the US). Make sure it's cut with the grain. The pieces should be about 6 inches long. Liberally sprinkle rock-salt on each side of the pieces of meat and let them stand for an hour. The longer you let it stand the saltier it will become.

After the hour, scrape off all the excess salt with a knife (don't soak it in water!). Then get some vinegar, preferably apple-cider vinegar, but any vinegar will do. Put some vinegar in a bowl and dip the strips of meat in the vinegar for a second or so, just so that the meat is covered in the vinegar. Hold the biltong up so that the excess vinegar drips off. Then sprinkle ground pepper and ground coriander over the meat on all sides.

Once you have done this, the meat is ready to dry. There are several methods of drying. One is to hang it up on a line in a cool place and have a fan blow on it. This method is a bit difficult because if the air is humid the meat can spoil. The method I use is a home-made 'Biltong Box'. This is basically a sealed wooden box (you can use cardboard if you like) about 40cm across and 1m high, with holes in the sides and a 60w lightbulb inside. Just hang the meat at the top of the box, and leave the lightbulb on at the bottom. The heat from the lightbulb helps dry the meat (even in humid weather) in about 3-4 days. Remember, the box must be closed on all 6 sides except for a few holes. The whole theory behind this method is that hot dry air rises thus drying the biltong. The holes are quite important as they promote good air circulation in the box.

You'll know when the biltong is ready when it is quite hard, but still a bit moist inside. Of course, some people like it 'wet' and others like it 'dry'. It's all a matter of taste. Most South Africans I know like it in between - basically just a bit red inside. If it has gone green, then the meat has spoiled (i.e. don't eat it).

Variations include the above recipe, but add flavours like Worcestershire sauce, BBQ sauce, tabasco sauce, soy sauce, etc. Just brush these sauces on after applying the vinegar using a basting brush.


4 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 cup butter
2 beaten eggs
Deep hot oil for frying


4 cups sugar and
3 cups water

Sift flour, salt and baking powder into bowl, rub in butter. Add beaten eggs and little milk to form stiff dough. Chill for 1/2 hour.

Roll out to 1/4 inch thick and cut into strips 2 1/2 x 1 inch. Cut strips into 3 tails, leaving one end joined. Plait strips and join end of plait.

Fry a few at a time in hot oil. Lift out, drain and drop into chilled syrup.


2 medium onions sliced
2 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon curry powder
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 Tablespoon vinegar
2 lb (1 kg) mince
1 thick slice bread
1 1/4 cups milk
2 eggs

Fry onions in butter; sprinkle curry powder on onions, add salt, sugar, vinegar, meat and mix well.

Soak bread in milk, drain, mash with a fork and add to meat, together with 1 egg. Put in a pie dish. Stand dish in another dish of water. Beat remaining egg, add to milk and pour on top of meat. Bake at 3500F for 30/40 minutes. Take out of oven and sprinkle with cheese if desired.



1 Pie crust (pre-baked)
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs
1 Tablespoon butter (or margarine)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup flour

Boil together milk, sugar, butter and cinnamon. Mix flour with cold water to pouring consistency. Add flour mixture to boiling milk, stirring all the time. Cool slightly. Beat eggs well and add to milk mixture. Cook mixture again for a few minutes.

Pour mixture into pie crust, sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. Bake at 180 C (375 F) for 20 minutes.

(Serve cold, keep in fridge if possible.)


Biltong Recipes

Biltong Spread


  • 125 g smooth cream cheese with chives
  • 30 ml mayonnaise
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • 60 g grated biltong (125 ml)
  • Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste

Spread on bread canapes - cut slices of bread into rounds or fingers, fry in cooking oil until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack then spread with biltong mixture and garnish with sliced olives or gherkins.

Spread on slices of wholewheat bread and garnished with thin slices of lemon or cucumber.

Biltong Muffins

  • 120 g Wholewheat flour (250 ml)
  • 120 g Cake flour (250 ml)
  • 200 g Biltong - finely chopped (500 ml)
  • 50 g Cheddar Cheese (125 ml)
  • 30 ml Baking powder
  • 3 Eggs
  • 200 ml Milk
  • 100 ml Cooking oil
  • 5 ml Salt
  • 15 ml Lemon juice
Combine all the ingredients and mix lightly. Spoon into greased muffin pans and bake at 220° C for 11 minutes. Leave to cool slightly before removing and serving with butter.

             Malva Pudding

Malva Pudding


Sugar -- 1/2 cup

Egg, beaten -- 1
Flour -- 1 cup
Baking soda -- 1 teaspoon
Salt -- pinch
Milk -- 1/2 cup
Melted butter -- 2 tablespoons
Vinegar -- 1 tablespoon

Apricot jam -- 1 tablespoon

Water -- 1/2 cup

Butter -- 8 tablespoons (4 ounces)
Sugar -- 1/2 cup
Cream -- 1 cup
Vanilla -- 1 teaspoon 

Preheat oven to 350°F. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the sugar and egg until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is light and frothy.

Sift together the flour, baking soda and salt into a medium bowl. In another bowl, stir together the milk, melted butter, jam and vinegar until smooth.
Beat one third of the flour mixture into the eggs and sugar until smooth. Then beat in half the milk mixture, followed by another one third of the flour, the remaining milk, and then the final third of the flour.
Pour the batter into a greased 8-inch cake pan and bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean.
Meanwhile, to make the sauce, add the water, butter and sugar to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the cream and vanilla.
Serve malva pudding warm, cut into wedges with a little of the cream sauce poured over the top.


           Bredie  South African lamb stew 

Bredie  South African lamb stew 


Stewing mutton or lamb, cut into cubes -- 1 1/2 pounds
Oil -- 3 tablespoons
Onion, chopped -- 1
Seasonings (see variations) -- to taste
Water or white wine -- 1/2 cup
Vegetables (see variations) -- 1 pound
Potatoes, cubed -- 3
Salt and pepper -- to taste

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high flame. Add the mutton or lamb in batches and brown well. Remove to a plate and set aside.
Add the onion and desired seasonings to the pot and saute until the onions are cooked down and just beginning to brown, about 5 minutes.
Add back the browned meat and pour in the water or wine. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to very low, cover tightly, and simmer for about 1 1/2 hours.
Stir in the desired vegetables, potatoes, salt and pepper. Increase heat to medium and return to a boil. The reduce heat to low again, cover and simmer for another 30 to 45 minutes.
Adjust seasoning and serve with rice or slices of hearty bread.

Tamatiebredie (Tomato bredie): use peeled, chopped tomatoes as the vegetable.
Groenboontjiebredie (Green bean bredie): use trimmed green beans as the vegetable.
Koolbredie (Cabbage bredie): use 1 head of chopped green cabbage as the vegetable.
Other Meats: while bredies are traditionally made with mutton, don't limit yourself. Use lamb or mutton ribs, beef oxtails or even pork.
Seasonings: bredie seasonings are highly personal. Some of the more popular include thyme, marjoram, coriander, curry powder,
cinnamon, paprika and cardamom. Use 1 or 2 teaspoons. Or add some chopped fresh ginger and/or minced garlic with the onions.
If you prefer, you can eliminate the potatoes and make simple dumplings to simmer and cook in the stew at the very end.
Some recipes call for thickening the stew with a slurry of cornstarch or potato starch and water.


Genoeg vir omtrent 4 mense.

1 pakkie hoender borsies mini fillited
1 pakkie Knorr Chicken a la King poeier
1 ready rolled Puff Pastry
1 eier

Sny hoender in klein blokkies.
Braai die hoender in n pan op die stoof tot goud bruin.
(kan mushrooms by voeg as wil vir chicken and mushroom pastei)
Meng chicken a la king poeier met ongeveer 300 - 500ml
(na smaak) melk een kant in n beker.
Voeg die chicken a la king mengsel by die hoender in die pan op die stoof.
Roer tot mengsel dik word.
Voeg sout en peper by na smaak.
Gooi mengsel in n bak. bedek met die puff pastry.
Klits die eier en vee dit met n borseltjie oor die puff pastry.
Maak gaatjies in die puff pastry met n vurk.
Laat bak in die oond teen 180 grade C vir ongeveer 45 minute.




500gr maalvleis
1 ui gekap
1 groen/rooi/geel pepers (gekap) (opsioneel)
Paar sampioene in skywe gesny (opsioneel)
2 tamaties geskil en in blokkies gesny
Sout en peper na smaak (bietjie bladjang by is ook baie lekker)
Braai maalvleis, uie, peppers en sampioene tot sag. Voeg
maalvleis by en braai tot maalvleis net af van pienk af is.
Voeg tamaties sout en peper by en roerbraai vir nog 'n rukkie
Voeg nou by:
'n blikkie chakalaka met mielies of chakalaka met butternut asook
1 koppie veggie mix
Gooi bietjie water by en laat rustig prut oor stadige hitte
tot alles gaar is.
Indien jy wil kan jy die chakalaka los en 1 kop ertjies byvoeg of 'n klomp boontjies of blokkies wortels of chunky country mix
Maak intussen kapokaartappels met 4 tot 6 groot aartappels Kook aartappels gaar met 1 ui ingekap - gooi oortollige water af en maak fyn. Voeg by sout, peper, bietjie droe pietersielie, klein bietjie melk (indien nodig) en bakpoeier. Aartappels moet nie te loperig wees nie, dit moet 'n stywe mengsel wees. (jy kan handvol gerasperde kaas ook hier
byvoeg en deur roer by jou aartappels indien verkies)
Spuit jou bak met spray en cook en pak die kapokaartappels in die bak, onder en teen die kante. Gooi jou maalvleismengsel in die bak in die middel in. Bak in oond vir so 20/30 minute of tot jou aartappels mooi goudbruin is (180 C)
Jy kan as jy wil bietjie kaas oorstrooi voor jy dit opdien.



500 g rooi gespikkeide suikerbone (625 ml)
25 ml olie
1 ui, gekap
1 kg beesskenkels
500 ml beesvleisaftreksel
4 wortels, gerasper
2 preie, in ringetjies gesny
3 rape, gerasper
3 selderystingels, gekap
100 ml vars pletersielie, gekap (1/2 bossie)
sout en peper na smaak
405 g tamatieroomsop (1 blik)
Verwyder die stokkies en dowwe pitte uit die bone, was dit en week dit oornag in koue water. Verhit die olie in `n swaarboomkastrol en braai die ui en vleis tot bruin. Voeg die bone, weekvloeistof en aftreksel by en kook dit 3 uur. Voeg nog aftreksel by indien nodig. Skep die vleis uit voordat dit te sag kook en van die bene loskom. Sny dit in blokkies en hou dit eenkant. Voeg die groente en pietersielie by en kook die sop totdat al die groente sag is. Skep van die groente uit en versap dit, of druk dit deur `n sif. (Die hoeveelheid groente wat versap of fyn gedruk word, sal bepaal hoe dik die sop uiteindelik sal wees.) Voeg die fyn groente en vleisblokkies, wat eenkant gehou is, by die res van die sop. Voeg sout en peper by. Laat kook die sop goed deur en roer dit om voordat dit opgeskep word.




1 1/4 Cup ketchup
3/4 Cup water
1/4 Cup honey
2 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
4 tsp Lemon Juice
1 onion, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
6 lb back ribs

Mix together the ketchup, water, honey, worcestershire sauce, lemon juice onion, salt, and pepper. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Prepare a charcoal grill, and cook ribs over medium-hot coals, turning occasionally. Brush ribs with sauce after each turn. Cook ribs until desired doneness. Remove from barbecue and enjoy.


           Maklike bobotie

Maklike bobotie

1 dik sny witbrood
250ml melk
1 grooi ui, fyn gekap
25ml kookolie
37,5ml suurlemoensap
10ml kerriepoeier
5ml suiker
5ml sout
Knypie peper
500g maalvleis
2 eiers
12,5ml blatjang 3 vars suurlemoenblare
Week die brood in melk.
Braai die ui in ‘n groot braaipan in olie tot ligbruin. Meng suurlemoensap, kerrie, suiker, sout en peper en roer by ui. Druk die meeste van die melk uit die brood. Hou die melk Maak die brood fyn en voeg dit by uiemengsel Voeg vleis, eier en melk (behalwe 100ml) by. Meng goed Voeg die blatjang by en laat mengsel ‘n rukkie kook, roer gereeld. Verhit die oond tot 180C Gooi vleismengsel in gesmeerde oondbak. Plaas vir ‘n paar minute in die oond. Klits oorblywende eier en 100ml melk saam. Gooi oor bobotie Steek suurlemoenblare in vleis (opsioneel) Bak vir halfuur in oond

Ek gooi ‘n handvol rosyne ook by vleismengsel. Dien op met piesangslaai en geelrys.


             Trippel melktert

Trippel melktert genot: Yskas-Melktert

2 pakkies tennis beskuitjies
1 Liter Melk
¼ kop suiker
1 Eier
1 Blikkie Kondensmelk
1 Hoogvol eetlepel vla-poeier
2 Eetl Mielieblom (maizena)
Maak pasta van die vla, mielieblom, suiker en eier Verhit die melk & Kondensmelk tot kookpunt Voeg die vla pasta by met 'n dun straaltjie terwyl jy aanhoudend roer en kook net 'n rukkie oor lae hitte tot gaar en dik. Gooi die helfte vd beslag oor die kors, pak nog 'n laag beskuitjies en gooi die ander helfte oor Strooi bietjie kaneel en gekrummelde Tennis beskuitjies bo-oor en laat heeltemal afkoel en stol.


             Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake
3/4 Cup flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 Cup sugar
1/4 Cup butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 egg
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/4 Cup milk
1/3 Cup strawberry curd or jam
1/3 Cup heavy whipping cream
2 Tbsp powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
6 small strawberries, for garnish
1. For the cupcakes: Preheat the oven to 350F. Prepare a cupcake pan for 6 cupcakes. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, butter, egg and vanilla until smooth. Alternately whisk in the flour mixture and milk, making three additions of flour and two additions of milk. Beat until smooth.
3. Scoop batter into prepared pan and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown and tops of cupcakes spring back when lightly touched. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes before removing. Let cool completely.
4. For the whipped cream: in a medium bowl, beat the heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla until stiff peaks form.
5. To assemble: Cut each cupcake in half horizontally. For each cupcake, spoon and spread some of the curd/jam onto one half. Spoon and spread some of the whipped cream. Top with the remaining cupcake half. Spoon and spread some more curd/jam on the top half then top with some more whipped cream. Repeat with the remaining cupcakes. Garnish with a strawberry. Chill until ready to serve.



This looks soooo good, and it is super easy to make! Brownie cupcakes with peanut butter Oreo centers! Seriously!!! Share this recipe on your page, so you don't forget it!

Here's the recipe:

Peanut Butter
Box of Brownie Mix

-Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
-Take two oreos and stack them with peanut butter (A layer in the middle and on top).
-Place the stack in a cupcake liner.
-Place liners in a muffin tin.
-Make brownie mix according to box
-Pour brownie mix over cookie stack
-Bake for 20 minutes or until cooked
-Pull out of the oven and let cool




Moenie ‘n bobbejaan wees en jou oorryp piesangs weggooi nie.

Met oorryppiesangs kan jy omtrent toor. Moenie oorskiet verwag nie; die karamelsmaak is hemels.

KLIK gou hier vir die smul lekkerte, kry jou resep ---->>



Die lekkerste meatballs ooit 2 kg goeie gehalte bees topside maalvleis 1 lekker groot ui, baie fyn opgekap 1 greenpepper opgekap- fyn as moontlik 2 groot eiers - liggies geklits sout. en peper na smaak 1 el knoffel flokkies 1 el gedroogde tiemie 1 el matige kerriepoeier Aromat na smaak 'n aartappel gerasper 'n wortel gerasper 3 snye dag oue witbrood - fyn gebreek, met korsies en al halwe koppie van tamatiesous, halwe kop chutney, en worcestersous na smaak paar druppels suurlemoensap. *bietjie olie om in te braai Maak jou oond voor die tyd warm 180 C Gooi alles in lekker groot mengbak, meng goed deur. Gooi klein bietjie olie in jou oondpan.J.P Maak lekker stewige balletjies, die grootte wat jy verkies , pak die in oondpan Bak vir 30 min voor jy omdraai, een bak dan tot goudbruin --->>

Die lekkerste meatballs ooit

2 kg goeie gehalte bees topside maalvleis
1 lekker groot ui, baie fyn opgekap
1 greenpepper opgekap- fyn as moontlik
2 groot eiers - liggies geklits
sout. en peper na smaak
1 el knoffel flokkies
1 el gedroogde tiemie
1 el matige kerriepoeier
Aromat na smaak
'n aartappel gerasper
'n wortel gerasper
3 snye dag oue witbrood - fyn gebreek, met korsies en al
halwe koppie van tamatiesous, halwe kop chutney, en worcestersous na smaak
paar druppels suurlemoensap.

*bietjie olie om in te braai

Maak jou oond voor die tyd warm 180 C

Gooi alles in lekker groot mengbak, meng goed deur.
Gooi klein bietjie olie in jou oondpan.J.P
Maak lekker stewige balletjies, die grootte wat jy verkies , pak die in oondpan
Bak vir 30 min voor jy omdraai, een bak dan tot goudbruin



Lemon Blackberry Muffins
Lemon flavors muffin filled with fresh blackberries and topped with streusel.
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 12
  • 9 oz Fresh Blackberries, rinsed
  • 2½ C Flour
  • 1 C Granulated sugar
  • 4 tsp Baking powder
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 1 Large egg
  • ½ C Butter (melted)
  • 1 tsp Pure vanilla extract
  • 1 C Buttermilk
  • ¼ C Sour cream
  • 2 tbsp Lemon Juice (fresh squeezed)
  • Zest from 1 Lemon
For the streusel
  • 4 tbsp Butter, melted
  • 6 tbsp Flour
  • 5 tbsp Brown sugar
For the glaze
  • 1½ C Powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp Milk
  1. Wash and rinse blackberries under water. Set aside.
  2. Preheat oven to 425°.
  3. In a medium sized bowl, sift together flour. Measure ¼ C of the sifted flour and pour over blackberries. Gently stir to coat the blackberries in flour.
  4. Take your remaining flour and add sugar, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
  5. In a medium size bowl, beat the egg using a whisk until light and fluffy. Add melted butter and whisk together.
  6. Continue to add vanilla extract, buttermilk and sour cream and whisk until smooth. Add fresh squeezed lemon juice and zest.
  7. Slowly pour wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and use a wooden spoon to mix just until combined. Your batter will be thick, but be careful not to over mix!
  8. Fold in the blackberries last.
  9. To prepare streusel topping, combine melted butter with all dry ingredients. Use a pastry cutter or fork to cut the butter into the dry ingredients until no large chunks remain.
  10. Grease your muffin pan with Crisco or cooking spray.
  11. Fill your muffin tins all the way to the top with batter. Add 1 tablespoon of streusel to the top of each muffin.
  12. Bake for 5 minutes at 425°, then reduce heat to 350° and bake for another 16-20 minutes. Do not open the oven for at least 15 minutes. Baking times will vary by oven.
  13. Check your muffins for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center of the muffin. If your toothpick comes out clean, your muffin is done.
  14. Allow muffins to cool completely in the pan.
For the glaze
  1. Combine powdered sugar with lemon juice and milk. Whisk until smooth. Add additional powdered sugar to thicken or additional milk to make thinner.
  2. Drizzle glaze over cooled Muffins.

Malibu Chicken
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This chicken is AMAZING! SO much delicious flavor wrapped into each bite.
Recipe type: Dinner
Serves: 4
  • 4 chicken breasts
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 3 Tablespoons minced garlic
  • 1 cup panko bread crumbs
  • 1 cup parmesan cheese
  • 1 Tablespoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 8 thinly sliced peices of ham
  • 4 slices of swiss cheese
Malibu Dipping Sauce
  • 2 Tablespoons Grey Poupon mustard
  • 3 Tablespoons mayo
  • 1 teaspoon yellow mustard
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  1. Combine egg yolk and garlic and pour into plastic bag. Place chicken inside bag, seal shut making sure no extra air is inside, and make sure the chicken gets coated with egg yolk/garlic mixture. Place in fridge and marinate chicken for 4 hours.
  2. In a medium bowl, mix panko, parmesan cheese, garlic powder, salt and pepper and dump evenly in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish.
  3. Remove chicken from bag place chicken in baking dish. Coat the chicken with mixture and bake at 350 degrees F and depending on the size of your chicken breasts cook for 40 minutes to one hour or until chicken is cooked through. Monitor it starting at about 40 minutes.
  4. Place one slice of ham and once slice of swiss cheese over the top of each piece of chicken and bake addition two minutes until cheese is melted.
Malibu Dipping Sauce
  1. Combine Grey Poupon mustard, may, yellow mustard and honey in a small bowl. Stir to make sure all ingredients are evenly combined. Use to dip chicken in.
Spinach Artichoke Dip Appetizer Pizza
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
An easy recipe to throw together that will be a total crowd pleaser!
Recipe type: Appetizer
Serves: 4
  • 2 large burrito-size tortillas, 10-12 inch tortillas
  • 1½ cups prepared spinach artichoke dip, either homemade or store-bought
  • 1½ cups shredded Mozzarella
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan
  • 3 diced Roma tomatoes
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Place tortillas on lightly greased cookie sheet.
  3. Spread ¾ cup (more or less depending on personal preference and size of tortilla you are using) of spinach artichoke dip over each tortilla.
  4. Top with Mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses.
  5. Bake for at 375 degrees F for 15 minutes.
  6. Top with diced tomatoes after pulling out from oven.

Overnight Bananas Foster French Toast
This recipe is absolutely PHENOMENAL! And best of all, all the work is done the night before and just needs to be popped in the oven in the morning!
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 8
  • 6 Tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons light corn syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 medium ripe bananas, thinly sliced
  • 1 loaf French bread, cut into cubes
  • 6 oz. cream cheese, cubed
  • 8 eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • ⅔ cup sugar
  • 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
  • ¾ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ⅛ teaspoon nutmeg
  • Pinch of salt
  • powdered sugar or whipped cream to garnish
  • drizzle with extra caramel if desired
  1. In a medium pan, melt butter, brown sugar, corn syrup on stove over medium heat. Cook and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Once sugar is dissolved, remove from heat and add vanilla and cinnamon.
  2. Lightly grease a 9×13-inch baking pan.
  3. Pour caramel sauce into prepared pan and make sure it is evenly distributed.
  4. Place banana slices evenly over the sauce.
  5. Layer and evenly sprinkle half of the bread cubes over the bananas.
  6. Evenly distribute the cream cheese cubes over the bread cubes.
  7. Cover the top evenly with the remaining bread cubes.
  8. In a medium bowl, combine eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and pinch of salt and whisk together until completely smooth and well combined.
  9. Pour the egg mixture over the bread.
  10. Gently press the bread down with hands so that all of the bread can absorb the egg mixture.
  11. Cover casserole and refrigerate overnight.
  12. When ready to bake, remove pan from refrigerator and leave it out on the counter while oven preheats to 375 degrees F.
  13. Bake uncovered for about 30-40 minutes.
  14. Let it cool in pan 5-10 minutes.
  15. It is the prettiest to flip it before serving so that the caramel and bananas can be seen and drip over the top. It is not necessary, but definitely a better presentation and lets the caramel topping drip over the casserole.

Egg Salad Sandwich
Prep time
Total time
This recipe whips up in minutes and is a great way to use up those hard boiled eggs!
Recipe type: Dinner
Serves: 1
  • 3 hard boiled eggs, diced/chopped into small pieces
  • 1 Tablespoon mayonnaise
  • 1 Tablespoon Relish
  • ¼ tsp. dry mustard
  • salt and pepper to tast
  • dash of Cayenne Pepper
  • 2 slices toasted bread
  1. Combine chopped eggs, mayonnaise, relish, dry mustard, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper in a small bowl. Stir to combine ingredients.
  2. Top on one slices of toasted bread and place the other slices of toasted bread over top.


Oreo Balls


1 (16 ounce) package Oreo cookies, crushed
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 (24 ounce) package white chocolate bark
1 (24 ounce) package chocolate bark

1. Using a blender or hand held mixer, mix Oreos and cream cheese together.
2. Roll into walnut size balls.
3. Chill for an hour.
4. Melt approximately 3/4 package of white almond bark.
5. Stick a toothpick in an Oreo ball and dip it in the melted white almond bark.
6. Allow to harden on wax paper.
7. Takes about 15 minute.
8. While waiting, melt about 1/4 package of chocolate almond bark.
9. When Oreo balls are no longer sticky to the touch, decorate with drizzles of chocolate and white almond bark.
10. I just use a sandwich bag with a tiny hole cut in one corner to drizzle the almond bark.
By New Nana
Photo by run for your life


Geinspereer deur Colyn Serfontein van *COLYN MAAK MAN KOS* het ek gisteraand die Frikkabolletjies vir my Man en Staf gemaak en hulle was gaande daaroor..smaak my ek moes 2 bakke gebak het..Dankie Colyn dit is n wenner
*My Verwerking van die bolletjies
1 pak Spar Brooddeeg
500g Maalvleis
1 klein uitjie fyngekap
1 eier
2 e Koekmeel
1 e Fyngekapte vars pietersielie
½ t vars gekapte tiemblare
Sout en Peper na smaak
Nou maak jy jou frikkies en plaas dit eenkant op n skinbord
Neem meel en strooi dit op jou snyplank en druk met jou vingers jou deeg mooi plat uit op jou plank lekker groot
Ek gebruik sommer n ou inmaak blikkie om vir my sirkels uit te druk
Druk een sirkel uit en rek en strek jou deeg en plaas jou  frikkie wat jy met die een hand eers in olyfolie gerol het binne in en vou nou jou deeg om die frikkies soos n wolkombersie en smeer weer olie om die deeg en plaas dit in jou gesmeerde bakskottel of pan met die rondekante na bo  hou so aan tot almal toegedraai is
Kyk dat almal lekker gesmeer is met olie en kwas so n bietjie mayonnaise bo-oor elke bolletjie
Strooi bietjie Paprika en growwe sout oor en bak dit heerlik in n warm oond soos Colyn beskryf by 210*C vir 20min en draai dan jou oond af na 160*C vir so 10-15min
Heerlik verby crispy en lekker vleisie aan die binnekant
Ek het myne net met Tuisgemaak Tamtiesous ge-eet en dit was baie lekker
N.S>>>Toe ek dit uit die oond gehaal het het ek botter gesmelt met Knoffel in en bo-oor elke bolletjie gegooi net vir n verandering …dit is nie nodig as jy dit nie wil doen nie..Helena Kruger *4/06/2014


Maalvleis geregte

Maalvleis resepte

Maalvleis resepte

Suurdeeg vetkoek (of koop sommer klaar voorafbereide brooddeeg by die winkel)

250 g (445 ml) witbroodmeel
250 g (445 ml) koekmeel
10 ml sout
1 x 10 g kitssuurdeeg
15 ml suiker
315 ml warm water
sowat 600 ml sonneblomolie
Meng witbroodmeel, koekmeel, sout en suurdeeg. Kombineer suiker en warm water en voeg by die meel. Meng goed.
Knie deeg vir minstens 10 minute op ’n meelbestrooide oppervlak tot lekker elasties. Plaas deeg in ’n bak (taamlik groter as die deeg).
Smeer ’n klein bietjie olie daaroor sodat dit nie uitdroog nie.

Maak bak toe met kleefplastiek en laat deeg op ’n louwarm plek rys tot byna dubbel die grootte. In koue weer kan jy die vetkoek laat rys in jou lou-oond, op laag.
Knie die deeg af. Rol dit in ’n lang ovaalvorm en verdeel in 6 – 8 vetkoeke.

Plaas vetkoeke op ’n bakplaat en laat weer vir sowat 30 minute rys. Verhit olie in ’n kastrol. Breek ’n klein stukkie deeg af om te toets of olie reg is: As dit dadelik begin braai, is die olie
gereed. Braai 3 vetkoeke op ’n slag. Draai hulle om wanneer die een kant begin verbruin. Verlaag die olie se temperatuur en draai die vetkoeke nou en dan om.

Hulle braai vir minstens 10 minute. Dreineer op kombuispapier.

Kerrie maalvleis

(vulsel vir sowat 8 vetkoeke)

30 ml sonneblomolie
500 g maalvleis
2 uie, fyngekap
2 knoffelhuisies, fyngekap
1 blik gekapte tamaties
20 – 30 ml kerriepoeier
15 ml borrie
sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper na smaak
sowat 250 ml water

Verhit olie in ’n kastrol. Voeg maalvleis by en braai vir so 6 minute. Die vleisstukkies moet net loskom van mekaar. Voeg gekapte uie en knoffel by en braai verder vir so 10 minute. Voeg tamaties, kerriepoeier en borrie by. Geur met sout en swartpeper. Voeg water by en bedek. Laat vir minstens 2 uur prut. As vleis lyk of dit wil droog kook, kan jy nog water byvoeg. Maak die vetkoeke en sny oop. Skep van die kerriemaalvleis in en sit dadelik voor met lekker blatjang daarby.

Deur: Radio Eendrag


30 ml olyf olie
1 ui fyngekap
1 tl knoffelvlokkies
500 g maalvleis
250 g sampioene in skyies
80 ml koekmeel
300 ml vleisaftreksel
1 blik heel tamaties gekap (of so 3 tamaties geskil en gekap)
5 ml tamatiepasta
5 ml gemengde kruie
5 ml suiker
10 ml mosterdpoeier
sout en vars gemaalde peper
30 ml botter
80 ml melk
250 ml kaas gerasper
60 ml vars pietersielie
1 eier geklits in bietjie melkVerhit olie en braai ui sag, voeg fyn knoffel by en braai min. Voeg vleis by en braai bruin.
Voeg die sampioene by en braai 2 minute. Roer die meel en res van die bestandele by.
Bring tot kookpunt , plaas deksel op en prut 1/2 uur. Skep in pasteibak.WIELE
Sif die meel en sout. Vryf die botter in droe bestandel.
Voeg melk by en knie tot deeg. Rol deeg uit 20×300 cm.
Strooi kaas en pietersielie oor en rol op. Sny in 1.5 cm skywe.
Rangskik op wiele op vleis maar laat ruimte toe vir rys.
Verf met eier en bak 30 minute tot goudbruinDeur:


1 Kg maalvleis
1 Knoffelhuisie, gekneus of 1 tl vlokkies
½ Koppie room of melk
1 Pakkie Bruinuiesoppoeier
1 Koppie Vars broodkrummels
1 Granny Smith-appel, gerasper
1 Eier
Sout en gemaalde swartpeper
Genoeg olieSOUS
2 Uie Gekap
1 Knoffelhuisie, gekneus
Bietjie olie
1 Teel Droë pietersielie
2 Teel Kerriepoeier
3 Eetl Blatjang
2 Eetl Asyn
1 Teel Bruinsuiker of witsuiker
½ Koppie room of melk
2 Eetl Koekmeel
2 Koppies Vleisaftreksel
Sout en gemaalde swartpeper na smaakStel oond op 180C.FRIKKADELLE
Meng bestanddele vir frikkadelle, behalwe olie, en
vorm in balletjies. Braai frikkadelle in olie tot amper gaar en plaas in groot oondbak.SOUS
Soteer uie en knoffel in olie tot deurskynend en sag. Roer kerrie by en braai bietjie saam met die uie.
Meng res van die bestanddele, roer by uiemengsel in en laat vir 5
minute prut. Giet sous versigtig oor frikkadelle en bak vir 30 minute.OF LOS JOU FRIKADELLE ROU, maak die volgende sous en bak alles op 1 slag:Kerrie-uiesmoor frikadelle

5 groot uie
2 E kookolie vir braai.
1 E kerriepoeier
1 E borrie
1 E mielieblom
¾ k blatjang
½ k appelkooskonfyt
4 tot 5 piesangs (sien eers wenk onder)

Sny die uie in groterige ringe.
Braai dit in kookolie tot dit glaserig is.
Meng die kerrie, borrie, mielieblom, blatjang en appelkooskonfyt¬ en voeg dit by die uie.
Laat dit goed deurkook, sny piesangs in – roer deur. Skep ‘n bietjie daarvan onder in ‘n oondskottel.
Pak frikkadelle daarop en gooi die res van die kerrie-uiesmoor¬ bo-oor. Bedek
Bak vir een uur teen 180 C of vir 1 en halwe to 3/4 uur by so 140/150 C

WENK, Indien jy lus voel vir kerrie piesang frikadelle, sny so 4 na 5 piesangs in skywe en voeg by jou sous.

Ek is lief om my frikadelle bietjie langer te bak teen laer hitte dan bak dit nie so vinnig droog nie. Dit het dan ook lekker sousie By 180 C is dit geneig om droog te bak – slegs my opinie (Rens)

Bedien met rys of kapokaartappels en soetpampoen/patats of lekker tamatie en uie salsa.

12.5 ml olie
10 ml matige kerriepoeier
5 ml borrie
25 ml blatjang
25 ml asyn
5 ml suiker
3 ml sout
500 gram maalvleis
2 wortels grof gerasper
125 ml water
2 groot aartappels in blokkies gesny
½ pakkie bruinuiesoppoeier
1 blikkie pitmielies (gedreineer)
2 tamaties geskil en in blokkies gesny (die is opsioneel maar ek glo mens sit tamatie by kerrie vir daardie ekstra spesiale smaak – Rens)Braai die ui 5 minute stadig in die kookolie.
Voeg die kerrie en borrie by en roer om te meng.
Voeg die tamatie, blatjang, asyn, suiker en sout by en laat 10 minute stadig prut.
Voeg die maalvleis en gerasperde wortels en by. Roer totdat die vleis lekker los is.
Voeg nou die water en pitmielies by en laat 20 minute prut. Roer af en toe sodat dit nie brand nie.
Kook intussen die aartappels sag in water met 3 ml borrie daarin. (Jy kan ook sommer die aartappels in die mikrogolf oond sit in jou plastiese sak vir so ongeveer 6 min)
Gooi die water af en voeg die aartappels by die vleis. Maak die sop met 75 ml water aan en voeg dit by die vleis en laat kook vir 10 minute.Bedien KERRIE resep as kerrie en rys met lekker bladjang, klapper en piesangs oor
MAAK ‘N SWEETCORN SLAP PASTEI DEEG1 koppie bruismeel (of 1 kop meel en 7.5ml bakpoeir)
5ml droe mosterd poeier
Sout en peper na smaak
10ml pietersielie
60ml botter
1x 420gr blikkie sweetcorn (roommielies)
60ml melk
1 eier
Meng die droe bestandele en pietersielie
Vryf met jou vingers die botter in die droe bestandele in
Meng die blikkie sweetcorn in, eier en melk. Meng goed
Gooi oor maalvleis en bak vir ongeveer 25 na 30 min by 180 C of tot goudbruin

Bedien saam met rys of kapokaartappels, soet pampoen/ patats, skorsie met suiker kaneel en botter, tamatie salsa of mengelslaai

1 groot ui gekerf
1 sny brood
200ml melk –
750gr maalvleis
2 eiers
15 ml appelkooskonfyt
50 ml suurlemoensap
60gr rosyne
4 teel kerrie
5ml borrie
sout en peper
30 ml Bladjang
Mikrogolf die olie en ui vir 1 min – roer – mikrogolf verder vir 3 min. Week brood in helfte van die melk – Voeg al die bestandele bymekaar BEHALWE die oorblywende melk, eier en suurlemoensap – Bedek en mikrogolf op 100 persent vir 10 minute – roer deur – maak weer gelyk en druk plat in bak. Meng nou die melk, eier en suurlemoensap gooi bo-oor en mikrogolf vir 10/12 min op medium (onbedek)
Gee staantyd van so 10 minute en bedien met geelrys en slaai.

1 dik sny witbrood
50ml koue melk
500g maalvleis
1 ui (fyn gekap)
5ml sout
1ml vars gemaalde swartpeper
2ml knoffelvlokkies
10ml matige kerriepoeier
1ml borrie
12,5ml blatjang
12,5ml asyn
3 eiers
12,5ml mielieblom (maizina)
12,5ml koue water
350ml kookmelk

Voorverhit die oond tot 160C. Week die brood in die melk en druk dan die oortollige melk uit. Hou die sagte brood eenkant. Meng die maalvleis, ui, sout, peper, knoffelvlokkies, die helfte van die kerriepoeier, die borrie, blatjang, asyn, 1 eier en die sagte brood. Skep die vleismengsel uit in ‘n goed gesmeerde oondskottel , steek die lourierblaar daarin en bak dit 15 minute lank op die middelste oondrak sodat die bobotie ‘n kors bo-op kan vorm. Hou dit eenkant warm. Klits die oorblywende 2 eiers saam en hou dit eenkant. Meng die mielieblom, die res van die kerriepoeier en die koue water tot ‘n gladde pasta en roer dit by die geklitse eiers. Voeg die kookmelk geleidelik by en laat dit prut totdat dit effens verdik. Roer dit voortdurend. Haal die mengsel van die plaat af en gooi dit oor die bobotie. Bak die bobotie nog 25-30 minute lank op die middelste rak van die oond totdat dit ferm en ligbruin is.
Bedien warm met blatjang.

Bedien bobotie met geelrys/witrys, soet pampoen of patats, tamatie en uie salsa



2 uie,

greenpeppers gekap

5 mushrooms (gekap) (opsioneel)

1kg maalvleis


2 sakkies tamatie pasta

1 e Worcestersous

1 t peri peri speserye (opsioneel)

1 k water

1 pakkie oxtail soppoeier.

1 pak tortilla wraps (so ongeveer 6-8)

1 blikkie sweetcorn mielies

½ k chutney

½ k Mayonaise

Redelik baie gerasperde cheddar kaas

Ringkoekpan wat kan losknip of groot genoeg plat pan sodat hele “koek”uitgelig kan word

Braai uie oor matige hitte in olie tot lekker bruin

Gooi maalvleis by en braai tot bruin.

Gooi sout, peper, tamatiepasta, worcestershiresous,mielies en peri peri by en braai goed deur. Gooi water en soppoeier by tot dit ‘n lekker baie dik sous maak.

Meng Chutney en Mayonnaise. Smeer of spuit die pan goed. Sit 1 tortilla onder in. Smeer met so 1-2 eetlepels chutney mengsel. Skep so 1,5 cm laag maalvleismengsel oor. Sprinkel kaas oor. Herhaal tot jy eindig met ‘n tortilla. Smeer laaste tortilla met orige chutney mengsel en strooi kaas oor.

Bak in oond vir 45 min op 160C

Bedien 6-8 mense.


250 ml melk

2 eiers
125 ml olie
250 ml koekmeel
2 ml sout
10 ml bakpoeier
2 ml aromat / fondor

Klits vloeistof. Meng droe bestandele by (baie slap).
Skep deeg, dan maalvleis, dan weer deeg in kolwyntjiepannetjies.
Bak by 232ºC tot goudbruin.
(*Jy kan vienas, hoender, kase, tuna enigiets insit)
heerlik vir padkos ook

MAALVLEIS SONDER MOEITE – ideaal vir ‘n naweek!

1 Ui

500 g maalvleis

100 ml blatjang

1 koppie rou rys

Knypie sout

1 blikkie Minestronesop

1 blikkie geroomde sampioene

500 ml kookwater

Braai die ui in ‘n bietjie olie en voeg maalvleis by. Braai tot bruin. Sit in ‘n oondvaste bak met ‘n deksel en voeg blatjang bo-oor.

Strooi die koppie rou rys eweredig bo-oor, asook sout.

Gooi minestronesop bo-oor en ook die sampioene. Voeg laastens die kookwater by. Sit deksel op en bak in oond vir 1 tot 1 ½ uur in ‘n voorverhitte oond teen 180°C


2KoppiesGaar rys
1KoppieKaas, gerasper

1PakkieSpek, gekap
1PakkieSampioene, in skyfies gesny
½ElkRooi en groen soetrissie, in blokkies gesny

1Knoffelhuisie, gekneus
Bietjie olie
½TeelGedroogde gemengde kruie
½TeelGedroogde soet basiliekruid
Sout en swartpeper na smaak

1PakkiePotato bake of witsuiesoppoeier
¾KoppieWarm melk

Stel oond op 180C. Spek : Soteer spek en voeg bietjie olie by indien nodig. Voeg sampioene by en soteer nog 5 minute. Voeg soetrissie vir laaste 2 minute by en verwyder van hitte. Maalvleis : Soteer ui en knoffel in olie tot ui sag is. Voeg maalvleis, kruie, basiliekruid en sout en peper by. Braai tot vleis gaar is en verwyder van hitte. Sous : Maak potato bak met warm melk aan. Roer dikroom en water by. Hou eenkant. Skap gaar rys onder in diep gesmeerde oondbak, gevolg deur spekmengsel, maalvleismengsel en sous.



1 kg maalvleis
2 k koue water
1 k sagte broodkrummels
25 ml asyn
10 ml sout
knippie peper
1 eier
125 ml olie
125 ml melk
1 k meel
2 t bakpoeier
2 ml sout

Plaas bestanddele vir die vulsel in pot. Meng met vurk. Verhit tot kookpunt, roer gereeld en laat kook vir 5 minute. Voorverhit oond tot 180ºC en skep vleismengsel in skottel. Klits eier, olie en melk saam. Roer meelmengsel by en skep beslag bo op vleis. Bak vir 30 min tot goudbruin. Hierdie tert vries baie goed


Oond 180 gr C.

Braai 1 groot gekapte ui en 500 gr maalvleis in bietjie olie tot vleis gaar is. Skep in oondvaste, diep bak, ek vat sommer my casserol. Skep paar lepels blatjang van jou keuse oor, en smeer gelyk. Gooi 1 k rou rys oor en sprinkel half t sout oor.Gooi 1 blikkie groentesop bo-oor en volg met 1 blikkie geroomde sampioene. Gooi nou 2 k kookwater bo-oor en bak vir 1-1 en half uur. Sit voor met groente of slaai



Hier is ietsie vinnig en lekker, maak net ‘n slaaitjie by: Maak maalvleis gaar soos jy daarvan hou(dit moenie souserig wees nie). Sny brood met sirkel koekiedrukker & smeer met botter. Plaas dit in muffinpannetjies en skep maalvleis in. Gooi kaas oor en bak tot brood bros.


Neem n koppie rys en kook net tot amper sag. Dreineer en hou eenkant. Braai uie bruin en gooi die maalvleis by. Sout en peper na smaak. Braai tot bruin. Neem n gesmeerder oondbak en gooi rys in en maak gelyk. Smeer n laag blatjan oor die rys. Gooi 1 koppie kookwater stadig oor. Moennie roer nie. Gooi nou die maalvleis oor. Neem n blik sampioensop en gooi dit boop maalvleis. Sit deksel op en bak vir 1 uur op 150 grade.


Braai 2 uie gekap saam met 500gr maalvleis, sout en peper tot gaar in ‘n lekker groot. Gooi by : 1 blikkie Chakalaka met butternut en roer deur. (jy kan dit vervang met 1 blikkie tamtie en uie smoor as jy nie van chakalaka hou nie)
Gooi droe spaghetti/noedels bo-oor. Gooi nou water bo-oor die mengsel sodat die water bokant die mengsel le.
Sit die deksel op en stoom tot gaar. Voeg nog water by as jy sien jou pasta is nog nie gaar nie.
Maak intussen ‘n lekker dik witsous en as spaghetti gaar is, gooi die witsous bo-oor.
Rasper nou 2 kase bo-oor. ‘n wit kaas bv Tussers en ‘n geel kaas bv Chedder
Sit deksel weer op en stoom tot alles lekker gesmelt en warm is.

Bedien met vars mengelslaai


1 Pakkie Maalvleis
1 Ui
1 Rooi Soet Rissie
Chilies na smaak
Tabasco Sous na smaak
Sout, Peper en Origanum na smaak
1 Blikkie Tamatie Puree
1 Blikkie Tamatie en uie smoor
1 Blik Rooi “Kidney” boontjies
½ Blikkie Sweet corn

Sny ui, chilies en soet rissie fyn en braai in olie tot ligbruin. Voeg maalvleis by en braai. Voeg ander bestanddele by en braai. Stel hitte af en prut stadig vir 15 minute.


1 dik sny brood, korsies verwyder
Bietjie melk
sout en peper na smaak
5ml koljander
37,5ml asyn
500g maalvleis
1 tamatie
3 repies spekvleis
50ml gerasperde kaas
Week brood, in ‘n bietjie melk, druk uit en krummel. Voeg geurmiddels by maalvleis. Voeg brood by en meng. Skil tamatie, kap in blokkies en voeg by. Druk helfte van mengsel liggies in gesmeerde oondskottel. Rangskik spekvleis en kaas bo-op. Plaas res van vleismengsel bo-oor. Skep volgende kors oor vleismengsel.
2 eiers 125ml melk
12,5ml gesmelte botter 125ml gaar rys
125ml meelblom 5ml bakpoeier
125ml gerasperde kaas
Klits die eiers goed en voeg die melk by. Voeg botter en rys by. Sif meelblom en bak poeier by en skep bo-oor vleismengel in oondskottel. Strooi kaas oor en bak vir 1 uur by 180C.


500 g maalvleis
2 uie, gekap
3 knoffelhuisies, gekap
2 ryp tamaties, geskil en gekap
helfte van `n 65 g blikkie tamatiepasta
worcestersous na smaak
sout en peper na smaak
5 ml basiliekruid
500 – 750 ml gaar rys

Braai die ui en knoffel in die olie tot sag, voeg die maalvleis by en braai tot bruin. Voeg die tamaties, tamatie pasta en geurmiddels by. Prut `n paar minute tot tamatie gaar is. Voeg die rys by, meng goed en verhit tot deurwarm. Dien op met slaai en vars broodrolletjies indien verkies.

1 ui, gekap
2 knoffelhuisies, gekap
500 g maalvleis
1 blik boontjies in tamatiesous
15 ml worcestersous
sout en peper na smaak
60 ml botter
200 ml koekmeel
2 ml basieliekruid
200 ml gerasperde kaas

Braai die ui en knoffel in `n bietjie olie tot sag. Voeg die maalvleis by en braai tot gaar. Voeg die boontjies en worcestersous by en geur na smaak met sout en peper. Skep in `n gesmeerde oondvaste bak.
Vryf die botter met jou vingerpunte in die meel in. Voeg die basieliekruid en kaas by en meng goed. Sprinkel oor die maalvleismengsel. Bak by 180 grade C vir 20 – 30 minute tot goudbruin en gaar. Dien op met slaai of groente van jou keuse

6 preie, in ringe gesny
bietjie botter of margarien
500g hoenderlewers, in stukkies gesny
250g maalvleis
250ml room
2 tamaties, in blokkies gesny
5ml droë pietersielie
5ml knoffelsout
sout en peper na smaak
3 druppels Tobasco, indien verkies
Braai die preie in ‘n swaarboomkastrol tot sag en deurskynend. Voeg die hoenderlewer en maalvleis by en roerbraai liggies tot amper gaar. Voeg die res van die bestanddele by, sit deksel op en prut ‘n halfuur.


Kook saam tot gaar : 500gr maalvleis, 250ml water 5ml sout 2ml peper
Skep maalvleis in platbak
Smeer 100ml chutney oor
Strooi 250ml rou rys bo-oor
Gooi 1 blik (410gr) ministrone sop oor
Gooi 1 blik geroomde sampioene oor
Gooi 500ml gekookte water bo-oor
Bak vir 1 en half uur opmiddelste rak op so 140/160 grade

375 g spaghetti (gaar)
1 ui, fyn gekap
12,5 ml olie
500 g maalvleis
5 ml sout
3 ml gemengde speserye
3 ml tiemie
3 ml kaneel
12,5 ml appelkooskonfyt
25 ml blatjang
1 x 410 g blik tamatiepuree

Braai ui tot sag in olie. Voeg maalvleis by en braai tot los. Voeg res van bestanddele behalwe kaas by en meng goed. Ek gooi `n halwe blik water (spoel die puree blik daarmee uit) ook by. Prut sowat 20 minute lank. Kook intussen die pasta volgens die aanwysings op die pak, dreineer goed en meng met die vleissous.

Spaghetti (gaar)
1 ui gekap
1 pakkiek tamatieroomsoppoeier
15ml margarine
37.5ml tamatiesous
25ml blatjang
12,5ml worcestersous
250ml koue water
3ml tiemie
1 klein blikkie ingedampte melk (ideal melk)
Vars gekapte pietersielie en spruituie (na smaak en ook opsioneel)
Braai die ui in die margarine tot bruin, Meng die res van die bestandele by. Roer goed deur en kook vir ongeveer 15min. stadig. Plaas maalvleisbolletjies in die mengsel en kook vir so 10 minute. Bedien op spaghetti.



4k koekmeel

4t bakpoeier

4 eiers

4k water

1t sout

Meng alles goed tot gladde mengsel.


 Braai uie tot sag.   Gooi  maalvleis by en roerbraai so ‘n rukkie tot maalvleis los is . Voeg aartappelblokkies by en bietjie  water en kook tot  gaar – as aartappels sag en is, gooi orige water af en maak die aartappels fyn teen die kant van jou pot – Dit maak dat die maalvleis so ‘n lekker dik stywe beslag is. Gooi by sout, peper bladjang na smaak en roer deur.

Jy kan nou die pannekoeke net so opdien


Maak lekker dik witsous, rol jou pannekoeke op met die maalvleis, sit in ‘n bak, gooi die witsous bo-oor, rasper kaas bo-oor en bak in die oond by 180 C tot lekker deurwarm en kaas gesmelt is.


Deur Huisgenoot Digitaal

Genoeg vir 4-6 mense

15 ml (1 e) olyfolie
2 uie, gekap
500 g maalvleis
sout en peper
400 g baba-spinasie
250 g feta
250 ml (1 k) room

Verhit die olie en soteer die uie tot goudbruin.
Voeg die maalvleis, sout en peper by. Roerbraai tot die maalvleis gaar en bruin is.
Verminder die hitte en voeg die spinasie, feta en room by. Laat prut 2 tot 3 minute.
Sit voor saam met pap.

Braai mince en uie tot gaar, spice soos wil.
Pak dan lae (dis waar die naam vandaan kom) met groente.
Heel onder sommer in pot waarin jy mince gebraai het, gesnyde aartappel,
2de laag is wortels gesny,
3de laag is 1/2kop rou rys,
4de laag is blik room mielies,
5de laag is groenboontjies,of ertjies,nes jy wil,
6de laag is blik tamatie en uie smoor,
7de laag is die gebraaide mince.
Maak pakkie tamatie sop aan met 1kop water, gooi bo-oor, maak deksel toe. Sit in oond op 180 tot gaar, so 45min. Al die groentes en rys is rou!


250 g macaroni
45 ml botter
45 ml koekmeel
sout en peper
375 ml melk
Maalvleis :
2 uie, gekap
bietjie olie
800 g beesmaalvleis
250 g sampioene in skyfies gesny
2 geelwortels, in skyfies gesny
6 murgpampoentjies, skyfies gesny
knippie gemaalde kaneel
5 ml paprika
sout en peper
15 ml vars pietersielie, gekap
1 x 410 g blik pitmielies, gedreineer
250 ml cheddarkaas, gerasper
125 ml melk
2 eiers
Stel oond op 180°C.
Kook pasta tot gaar, nie pap nie.
Maak witsous met botter, meel en melk en geur met sout en peper na smaak Hou eenkant
Braai uie
Voeg vleis by en braai tot los en bruin
Voeg groente by en roerbraai nog 10 min.
Voeg res behalwe eiers en melk by.
Meng pasta, maalvleis en witsous en skep in `n gesmeerde oondbak. Klits eiers en melk saam, giet oor gereg en bak vir 30 min tot gaar.


250ml mieliemeel
500ml water
Knypie peper
½ tl braai speserye
5ml sout
¼ t tamatiesous
1 ui fyngekap
250ml kaas gerasper
1 soetrissie fyn
1 tamatie
1 E olie
2 eiers
250ml gemaalde vleis
125ml melk

Meng mieliemeel, water en sout en kook vir 20 min.
Braai ui en soetrissie in olie.
Voeg vleis, peper, speserye en tamatiesous by en laat stadig stowe tot vleis gaar is.
Meng vleis en pap en gooi in gesmeerde oondskottel.
Sprinkel kaas bo-oor.
Sny tamatie in skywe en pak bo-op.
Klits eiers en melk saam en gooi bo-oor.
Bak vir sowat 30min by 200°C.

125 g spekvleis, gesnipper
500 g maer beesmaalvleis
2 uie, gekap
2 knoffelhuisies, fyn gedruk
1 groen soetrissie, gekap
‘n halwe pakkie bruin uiesop
1 blik (410 g) gekapte tamaties
500 ml beesvleisaftreksel
125 ml blatjang
Sout, peper en suiker na smaak
500 g pasta (macaroni of penne)
375 ml gerasperde kaas
375 ml vars broodkrummels
60 ml gesmelte botter
45 ml vars pietersielie, gekap

Braai die spekvleis in ‘n swaarboompot tot gaar. Voeg die maalvleis by en braai tot bruin. Braai die uie, knoffel en soetrissie in ‘n pan tot sag. Voeg by die maalvleismengsel en sprinkel die uiesop oor. Roer deur, voeg die tamaties, aftreksel en blatjang by en laat deurkook. Geur met sout, peper en suiker en laat prut tot geurig (die vleis moet nog lekker souserig wees). Kook intussen die pasta volgens die aanwysings op die pak tot gaar, maar steeds ferm.Voorverhit die oond tot 180 °C. Meng die pasta liggies met die vleismengsel en skep in ‘n groot oondbak. Meng die kaas en broodkrummels met die pietersielie sprinkel bo-oor. Bak vir 30 — 40 minute tot goudbruin. Sit warm voor met slaai.

250g maer spek stukkies (bacon bits)
300g maer maalvleis
10g blik tamatie- en uiemengsel
500g McCain Green Beans, Potato & Onion
45ml grofgekapte pietersielie
geurmiddels: brandrissiesous, fyngekapte knoffel en gemaalde swart peper
Plaas spek en maalvleis in ‘n kastrol en roer oor matige hitte tot lekker bruin. Geur liggies met aftrekselpoeier. Voeg McCain boontjiemengsel en tamatiemengsel by. Geur na smaak en prut ongeveer 15 minute, of tot gaar genoeg na jou sin. Vurk pietersielie deur en bedien met pasta en ‘n slaai.

500 g maer maalvleis
1 sny brood, geweek in 100 ml melk
1 klein ui, fyn gekap
5 ml sout
varsgemaalde swartpeper na smaak
1 ml fyn naeltjies
30 ml asyn
50 ml gekapte pietersielie.
Krummel brood. Voeg res van bestanddele by. Meng liggies met ‘n vurk. Vorm klein frikkadelle. Plaas op ‘n bakplaat. Bak by 160 C vir 20 minute en laat afkoel.
1 krop botterslaai
½ Engelse komkommer, in skywe gesny
425 g-blikkie klein mielies, gedreineer
150 g swart druiwe
10 kersietamaties
30 ml gekapte pietersielie.
Pak blaarslaai op ‘n groot plat bord. Rangskik frikkadelle, komkommer, mielies, druiwe en tamatie bo-op slaai. Sprinkel met pietersielie.


Helene Smit Neem maalvleis gooi 1pakkie bruin uiesoppoeier by en halwe kop chutney. Maak balletjies en bak in oond vir halfuur op 180C

Helen Smit Boere-bryani::::::braai 1 kop rys in biki olie tot gepof,sny uie en greenpepper in braai so 5min,voeg maalvleis by,maak los met n vurk,braai tot droog gooi nou enige groente bo-op met jou souit,peper,neutmuskaat,mespunt gemaalde naeltjies en eetlepel asyn by.Roer lekker deurmekaar.maak toe met water tot bokant van mengsel.laat prut stadig tot vloeistof weg is.moenie verdik,skep net so op.Dis HEERLIK!

Natasha Ludwig Bezuidenhout Lekker ek maak kerrie maalvleis en rys Braai gesnyde ui in pan met botter kan rajah meduim curry powder so 1 tlp by uie gooi en braai gooi maalvleis by en braai tot bruin en gaar ek gooi Dan curry mixed vegetables wat in die blikkie is by en kook nog so paar min gooi peper en sout na smaak en sit voor met gaar gemaakte reis. Dis vinning en maklik. As jy dit nie te sterk wok he nie hoef jy nie die rajah by te gooi nie. Hoop julle geniet dit

Chrissie van Zyl Pasta en maalvleis. Alfredo pasta. Ek gebruik macaroni en alfredo pasta sous in pakkie.
Maalvleis gaan ek klein frikkadellietjies. Maak en roerbraai groente braai en dan saam rangskik bo op macaroni en groenslaai saam bedien.

Magrietha Bronkhorst Ek gaan vanaand net my weergawe van macaroni en kaas maak. Ek maak my maalvleis gaar en macaroni apart dan meng ek kaas en macaroni en sit 1ste in bak, dan my maalvleis met kaas oor en dan mash bo oor en bak dan in oond.

Alida Potgieter Le Roux Hier is my maalvleis bydra. Maalvleis en blatjan kasserol. Neem n koppie rys en kook net tot amper sag. Dreineer en hou eenkant. Braai uie bruin en gooi die maalvleis by. Sout en peper na smaak. Braai tot bruin. Neem n gesmeerder oondbak en gooi rys in en maak gelyk. Smeer n laag blatjan oor die rys. Gooi 1 koppie kookwater stadig oor. Moennie roer nie. Gooi nou die maalvleis oor. Neem n blik sampioensop en gooi dit boop maalvleis. Sit deksel op en bak vir 1 uur op 150 grade. Dis heerlik!


(Amanda Gerber)

Ek meng my maalvleis met eiers, broodkrummels, gemengde groente as jy wil en speserye. Dan gooi ek klein bietjie water in n broodpannetjie, sit die maalvleis daarin en bak ini oond tot gaar. O ja onthou om die pannetjie te spuit met spray en cook dat hy nie vassit nie.


Renata Niemand ‎

500g maalvleis, 1 pak mushroom sop, 125ml water, 1 ui gerasper, Knoffel, 1k vars broodkrummels, 2 eiers, 15ml meel, 5ml sout, 1k mayonaise: meng saam en bak in broodpan by 180C vir 1 uur

 Michell Brundyn-Vorster


(die 1 kom uit my ma se plakboek)

600g maalvleis
1 ui, fyngekap
15ml (1e) vars origanum blaartjies
3 eiergele
sout & peper
125g spekvleis
125g sampioene, in skyfies gesny
125g bloukaas, gekrummel
400g skilferkorsdeeg, ontdooi en ligweg uitgerol

Voorverhit die oond tot 200’C. Meng die vleis, ui, origanum, eiergele, sout en peper in ‘n mengbak. Smeer ‘n 20cm koekpan, voer die boom uit met bakpapier en smeer weer.
Rangskik die spek op die bakpapier, gevolg deur die sampioene. Sprinkel die bloukaas oor. Skep die maalvleismengsel bo-op. Sny die deeg effens groter as die koekpan, bedek die vleis daarmee, druk die deeg effens langs die kante in. Bak die tert sowat 30 na 40 min of tot gaar.
Laat rus die tert ‘n paar minute en keer uit op ‘n groot opdienbord. Sny in skywe en sit voor saam met slaaie.



1 ui, gekap 2 knoffelhuisies, fyn gekap 10 ml olyfolie 10 ml koljander 5 ml komyn 500 g beesmaalvleis 60 ml tamatiepasta 1 x 410 g blik gekapte tamaties Water Sout, vars gemaalde swartpeper en suiker na smaak 45 ml gekapte, vars oreganum 6 middelslag-aartappels, gaar gekook en skille afgetrek 125 ml room 3 ml neutmuskaat 125 ml gerasperde cheddarkaas

Braai die ui en knoffel in die olie tot sag. Voeg die speserye by en braai tot geurig. Voeg die vleis by en braai bruin. Voeg die tamatiepasta en gekapte tamaties by. Maak die tamatieblik vol water en voeg by die vleis. Geur goed met sout, peper en ’n bietjie suiker en roer die oreganum deur. Laat prut vir sowat 20 minute tot geurig en effens verdik. Voorverhit oond tot 180 °C en sny aartappels in skywe. Begin met ’n dun lagie vleissous onder in ’n oondbak. Pak ’n laag aartappelskywe bo-op en skep nóg ’n lagie vleissous op. Herhaal die lae en eindig met ’n laag aartappels. Giet room oor en sprinkel neutmuskaat en kaas oor. Bak vir 30 minute. Sit voor met ’n mengelslaai. Lewer ses porsies.

Vir nog ‘n paar resepte :



Deur Huisgenoot Digitaal

2 uie, gekap
2 knoffelhuisies,
15 ml (1 e) olie
500 g maalvleis
30 ml (2 e) kerriepoeier
45 ml (3 e) blatjang

4 tortillas
200 g spinasie,
200 g mozzarella, gerasper

Verhit die oond tot 200 °C.

Maalvleis Braai uie en knoffel in olie. Voeg res van bestanddele by; roerbraai tot gaar.
Quesadillas Pak ’n tortilla op ’n plaat, sit ’n derde van die vleis, spinasie en kaas bo-op, herhaal. Eindig met ’n tortilla.
Bedek met foelie, bak 15 minute, verwyder foelie, sprinkel nog kaas en rooster tot gesmelt.
Sny in skywe; sit voor.


Andy Dezius - Senior Webmaster Designer Andy Dezius - Grafic Designer and Homepage Layout , @copyright 2028.









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